Quote Originally Posted by Shaatan View Post
Pick your words more carefully then, because i wasn't the only one who took your posts as accusations of cheating.

What's the point in explaining to you how I did the ToD, if you won't believe anything without a video anyway? Sounds like a massive waste of time to me (not to mention that I'm not the type to give away trade secrets for free) . I can tell you that I'm not sure if what I did there is perfectly WAI, but it wasn't the Thunderforged thing. Hell, I didn't even have enough phlogs to craft a tier 3 at that time. The secret lies in part 1.

Honestly, anyone putting any achievement up for that raid with a known cheat in it, I discount on the cheat. I mean completing it alone is cool and all, but meh, people will use whatever means when they are below 10% to stay alive.

Quote Originally Posted by thephantomgod View Post
This whole thread that you have started just to disprove Shat is absolutely ridiculous. You want to sit here and be the high and mighty one, and the minute someone does something better than you all you know how to do is grief them.

You sir need to quit being a crybaby over a game every time someone does something better than you. You make a video to show us how easy it is to make it look liked you solo'd something when its truly fake. What makes your screenshots better than his or anyone else?

Achievements are dead in ddo and the thread itself needs to be closed down. Anything posted will always have the criticism as to what bugs, safespots, and other broken elements of the game were used.

You know what an achievement is? A wizard, cleric, and barbarian soloing a raid and knowing their roles and working together. Not a bunch of self sufficient toons that even a noob can play running around like a chicken with their heads cut off finishing a raid.
I think there are plenty of achievements in ddo. And I think it is cool when I see someone's post about how much fun they had trying something that challenged them.