Greetings all.
So, I decided to see what is new to DDO after being gone from the game for almost 4 years. Basically, I was around for the introduction of epic quests, did all the chains there were to do, soloed any raids that looked good and called it a day.
upon my return, I was confronted with loads of new things, epic levels, destinies and so forth. While reading up on that part of the changes was quite enlightening, I find myself realizing that what used to be great equipment at cap now looks like Korthos gear by comparison.
My plea here is to get a little advice, as to what gear is considered worth farming for during epic levelling as I try to get my human pure FVS evoker build through to 20/8 to start EE quests, which seem to be all the rage now. I am used to soloing mostly any quest and I would like to keep that ability. As a first epic destiny I chose exalted angel, as it seems to have good synergies.
At this point I am only using the fvs for the first playthrough of the new content as it is the most reliable soloist of all my toons and has not run into any issues soloing the quest chains in the underdark (which I assumed was a good place to level up).
His current equipment is the same I left him with years ago.
Naturally, this changes situationally, as the character has most of the 4 years ago-endgame loot in bank or as a clickie but yeah, as I said, it seems to be the korthos gear equivallent of today.
Any advice as to if it is worth grinding commendations of any particular faction, repeating a particular quest until X loot drops etc would be greatly appreciated. Basically, what gear setup is considered ideal or at least worth getting as an evoker build pure FVS.
p.s. random question: do people run the old raids at all anymore? I have not seen a single LFM for things like say... temple of despair and the like.