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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Basic Wizard question - best armor and weapons?

    Building my first caster after years of melee characters so just wondering what folks found works best for gear.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    As a Wizard here are the basics

    All Highest Possible for your level
    1. Item to improve Intelligence
    2. Potency Item (more for times when holding multiple elements is not possible but needed)
    3. Arcane Lore item (see #2)
    4. Spell Power Items for the most common elements you can cast (more powerful than potency)
    5. Element Lore items for the most common elements you can cast (more powerful than arcane lore)
    6. DC enhancement Equipment
    7. Spell Penetration enhancement Equipment
    8. UMD enhancement equipment

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Don't forget to get a CON item and maybe a false life/vitality item as well. Everyone needs HP. And forget the armor. Mages wear robes and they suck for AC. Get a robe that adds to your spell power or has some other feature like deathblock.

  4. #4
    Community Member Toro12's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by scott75209 View Post
    Building my first caster after years of melee characters so just wondering what folks found works best for gear.
    1. Highest spell power for your primary element of highest lore of your primary element available
    2. Same as above for your secondary element

    1. Best docent you can find
    A way super distant second choice is the best non docent you can wear
    (See what I did there)

    After that max+ int item & max + con item & 100% fort ( actually a moderate fort or better docent is the best choice)
    Beyond that it is all pretty much gravy.
    Till you hit endgame and want to start doing EE stuff then you need to get serious.
    Before that max element of max lore with max +int and max + con and 100% fortification is all you "need"

    Sure some stuff like deathblock is nice on occasion and some vitality and or other HP boosters are lovely but not required

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