Currently in game, to use ranged weapon combat, you need one of the following conditions:
- A returning thrower
- Some way to summon ammunition from thin air (Conjure Arrows, Conjure Bolts, Flame Arrow)
- A lot of inventory space for common ammunition, alongside constant returns to the vendors to buy more when they are ending
- A lot of inventory space for crafted ammunition, alongside constant returns to the crafting halls to craft more when they are ending.
I have two ideas about how to improve the use of ammunition in game, and thus, this suggestion thread was born. Here are the changes I propose:
1. All ammo is 100% returning
Every single arrow, bolt and throwing weapon is 100% returning. In lore, this would mean you were supposed to be considered to always go back and resupply your stock between quests and such. So, if you get a stack of masterwork bolts, they will last forever.
Ammunition vendor prices might be adjusted to compensate for this, but for the majority of players (new players included), this part will not be a big deal. The focus will be on finding new magic arrows instead of resupplies of common ones.
2. Magic ammunition will have non-rechargeable click effects
This part is a bit more complex, but I will try my best to explain:
Let's use as an example the "Arrow of Orc Slaying". Currently, they have a stack of 20 arrows that are always shot (even when not hitting orcs, or a target), and once they are gone, they are gone.
Under my suggestion, if you find an "Arrow of Orc Slaying", once equipped, they would work like a Bane effect (2d6 bane damage to orcs), and once you put them on your hotbar and click to activate, for the next seconds (6? 10? 20? 60? Not sure) all your shots will be able to instakill any orc they hit. However, this would consume a charge of the stack. Once all charges are gone, the remaining arrows are destroyed, just like a fully-spent
Scarab of Protection.
So, basically, every ammunition or throwing weapon that is not mundane or masterwork, will have an always-active lesser effect, and a more powerful clickie effect. You give the players the option to keep milking the free effect infinitely, or to use the charges to speed things up.
A few more examples. All damage is scaled up by the arrow ML, thus multiple ammo types may be generated by random loot. While I write "arrows", they can also be bolts or any throwing weapon:
- Plain +X Arrows will provide a +X enhancement bonus to attack and damage (non-stacking with bow/xbow enhancement bonus), and once clicked, will give +0.5[W] per enhancement bonus (Thus, a +5 arrow clickie will give +2.5[W] damage while active).
- This effect is exclusive to plain magic arrows. Arrows with another enchantment will ignore this one, and use their other special effect instead. So, while a +5 Silver Arrow still provides the enhancement bonus to hit and damage, if clicked, it will give the silver arrow effect, not the extra [W] damage.
- Corrosive Arrows will have 1d6 acid damage on hit, and once clicked, adds an "acid arrow" dot effect on the target
- Flaming Arrows will have 1d6 fire damage on hit, and once clicked, makes every arrow a Fireball spell
- Freezing Arrows will have 1d6 cold damage on hit, and once clicked, gives every target a slow effect stack (-1~3% move/attack speed per hit)
- Aligned Arrows (Holy, Axiomatic, Anarchic) will have 1d6 alignment damage on hit (no damage to targets of the same alignment) and once clicked turn the arrow into an Opposite Alignment Bane effect (2d6 extra damage against opposite alignment mobs) while also breaking any metal-based DR.
- Metal-typed Arrows (Adamantine, Byeshk, Crystal, Cold Iron, Silver) will bypass their corresponding metal type DR, and once clicked will deal greater bane damage (4d6) against any opponent with a DR bypassed by that metal type. Eg.: Silver arrows will give this extra damage to devils, vampires and werewolves.
- Screaming Arrows will have 1d4 sonic damage on hit (lesser die for being a less resisted damage type), and once clicked will make every arrow a Terror Arrow.
- Forceful Arrows will have 1d4 force damage on hit, and once clicked will push non-red mobs with every hit (as if being hit by telekinesis) with a chance to knock them prone.
- Slaying Arrows will work like a Bane effect (2d6 extra damage to their specific target mobs), and once clicked will force their mob type targets to save or die on every arrow (like current slaying arrows).
If you by now is thinking "this will make arrows an off-hand weapon for projectile weapons", then you understood me perfectly.
Please, evaluate and criticize honestly.