Making these seemed like such a good idea when I started with the Healing Shiv.
I feel like I'm just grasping at straws now (Note to self: Make a weapon in the future that somehow involves straws).
Full list of Joke Weapons so far found here: ForgettableNPC's List of Joke Weapons
Name: Bottle of Glitter
Weapon Type: Simple Projectile
Damage: (0-1) 1d2 - 1 Bludgeon
Critical Roll: (5%/0-1) 20 / x1
Attack Mod: DEX+
Damage Mod: STR+
Durability: 10
Material: Glass
Hardness: 5
-1: This weapon is less well-made than normal, giving a -1 Penalty to Attack and Damage Rolls.
Returning: This missile will return to you.
Glitter Spray: Upon impact, this bottle will shatter and Glitterdust will be cast on spot of impact. (Caster Level 1, affects both allies AND enemies)
Description: You swiped this bottle filled with magical glitter when you were at that Magic Preschool of Wizardry & Sorcery, it seems that someone made a little mistake while handling the bottle and you decided that as a seasoned adventurer, you should keep artifacts of potential danger out of reach of innocent children...or that's what you're justifying your actions with. Somehow, the amalgamation of untrained magicks caused this bottle of glitter to magically refill itself when its contents are emptied and repair itself and teleport back into your hand should it shatter. You may not be able to use this bottle for carrying water, questionably-colored potions, fish, firefly, bugs, magical blue flames, fish people eggs, a princess of a race of plant people, delicious soup, innocent fairies who are forced to give up their lives to leave you standing and in relatively good health should you become fatally injured, or even use it as tennis racket against the King of Evil or his phantom counterpart, but you can at least throw this bottle into the enemies' faces. Maybe you can hurt them by getting some glitter in their eyes, that'll show them.