With it's pirate theme, and the release of swashbuckler, now is the perfect time to release a new iconic race:
The Scoundrel
base race: drow
+2 dex/int/cha
-2 con
(same as normal drow)
Would pretty much stick to the drow stats until we got to enhancments:
- +2 spell resistance
- cha/int/dex, 2AP
- +2 spell resistance
- +1 cha/int/dex, 2AP
- +2 spell resistance
Tier 1
- Faerie fire SLA- same as drow, 2AP
- Scoundrel's bluff: perform a melee attack that deals +1[W] and makes a bluff check using your perform
skill-insert appropriate cooldown, 2AP-include a ranged version- Performer: +1/+2/+3 to bluff, perform, UMD, 1AP per rank
- Swasbuckler's training: +1 to hit/damage while SWF, 2AP, requires SWF feat
- Arcane Fluidity: -5/10/15% ASF in armor, 1AP per rank
Tier 2
- Sealegs: +1/+2/+3 balance, swim, tumble, while standing in water, you gain an additional +1/+2/+3 balance. 1AP per rank
- Fancy Footwork: Your feet move with precision to trip your enemy, perform an attack with +1[W], and attempt to trip with a DC of 10/13/17+your balance skill. Cooldown: 20/15/10 seconds 2AP per rank
- Multipe choice selector: Fix'em up, break'em down: Fix'em up grants +1/2/3 heal, +5/10/15 positive spell power. Break'em down grants +1/2/3 perform and +5/10/15 sonic spell power. 1 AP per rank
- Swashbuckler's training: +1 to hit/damage while SWF, 2AP, requires swashbuckler's training(tier 1)
- Unidextrous: You improve your ability to fight SWF. At rank 1, +1 to hit; at rank 2, +1 to dodge, at rank 3, +1 dodge cap. 2AP per rank
Tier 3
- Throw it at 'em: Your shuriken expertise feat now applies to all throwing weaponswhen you throw, you get a chance equal to your dexterity modifier to throw an additional projectile), 2AP
- Improved dodge: while swf, you gain +1/+2/+3 dodge cap, requires swf feat, dodge
- Swashbuckler's training: +1 to hit/damage while SWF, 2AP, requires swashbuckler's training(tier 2)
Tier 4
- Thrower's flair: Your shuriken expertise feat now uses the highest of your' dex/int/cha modifiers instead of just dex. 2AP, requires throw it at 'em
- Swashbuckler's training: +1 to hit/damage while SWF, 2AP requires swasbuckler's training (tier 3)
- Swashbuckler mastery: while swf, you may use your dex/cha/int to hit and damage.- 2AP, requires swashbuckler's training(tier4)