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  1. #1
    Community Member Shaude's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Default New Paladin tree? what do think Knight of Truth?

    inspired by and used some of this thread

    The compassion to pursue good, the will to uphold law, and the power to defeat evil - these are the three weapons of the paladin.
    Knight of Truth? needs a good name and i cant think of one.

    1 - Leadership Training -You fortify allies, adds .25% fortification per point spent in tree to all in your aura
    3 - Battle tested - Each Ally within Aura range receives a 3% att speed increase
    6 - Officer Training -pick one fighting style sfw, twf,thf.
    sfw stay in stance with any shield excluding tower adds 2% to double strike and shield bash
    twf adds 3% to offhand attack
    thf adds 2% dam to glancing blows and 1.5% to effects chance
    12 - Battle proven - Each Ally within Aura range receives a 3% att speed increase
    18 - Unending Resolve - aura heals 1 hp per pally level every 6 secs
    20 - code of conduct- +2 str/chr adds 10 feet to aura

    Tier 1
    1 ap-- Tough as Nails -- Gain 5/10/15 Hit Points
    1 ap-- commanding presence -- Intimidate skill and Will Saves are increased by 0/1/2.
    1 ap-- Battlefield Triage -- Heal skill is increased by 1/2/3 and fort save increase by 0/1/2
    2 ap-- purity -- 1/2/2 hit /0/1/2 dam against evil opponents,

    Tier 2
    2 ap-- Sacrifice -- While you block increase threat gen by 2.5/5/7.5% every 2 sec 1/3/5 stacks 1 stack removed every 10 sec
    2 ap-- action boost +1,increase aura by 5 feet
    1 ap-- Energy of the Zealot -- Your Positive Spellpower is increased by 10/15/20 and you gain 15/30/45 spellpoints. At rank 3, you gain the Magical Training feat ( Ability to cast 1st level paladin spell).
    2 ap-- Truth -- 1/2/2 hit 0/1/2 dam against non good opponents stacks with purity,

    Tier 3
    2 ap-- cha, str, or con
    2 ap-- action boost +1 increase aura by 5 feet
    1 ap-- Compassion for the meek -- The Paladin gains 2/4/6 str/con and dam for each dead or incapacitated ally (within aura). (Stacks) +2.5 heal amp per rank
    2 ap-- Justice -- +1w/+2w/+3w 4 sec cooldown

    Tier 4
    2 ap-- cha, str, or con
    2 ap-- Captain -- add charisma mod to dodge (1/4;1/2;3/4 x paladin lvl capped), increases max dodge by charisma mod at rank 3
    1 ap-- Compassion -- action boost u pass healing force to another (increase heal amp to ally 5/10/15) +2.5 heal amp per rank
    2 ap-- Captian Training --same one u choose at Officer training, adds tower shield to feat list and swf
    swf adds 2% to double strike and shield bash
    twf adds 3% to offhand attack
    thf adds 2% dam to glancing blows and 1.5% to effects chance

    Tier 5
    2 ap-- Phalanx Formation -- gain .5(w) to shield and weapons +1 threat range
    1 ap-- Into the Fray! -- charisma mod to run speed (use 1 turn undead) lasts 30 sec
    2 ap-- Humility -- mount of the paladin(transports all soul stones in paladins aura and paladin to beginning of quest) deals 10 points holy damage AOE of aura ((10 *level of paladin)* number of stones+1 transported) . 1 per day/rest? (3 sec timer for confirmation of transfer(as greater teleport)) paladin has +40% sacred bonus movement speed and 50 temp hit points for 1 min.
    2 ap-- Commander Training -- same one u choose at Captain training
    swf adds 2% to double strike and shield bash
    twf adds 3% to offhand attack
    thf adds 2% dam to glancing blows and 1.5% to effects chance

    i think it needs some adjustments just cant see what atm hoping its balanced for pure and multiclass and not OP'd
    Last edited by Shaude; 05-27-2014 at 02:40 AM. Reason: moved heal amp to tier 3/4

  2. #2
    Community Member Shaude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default ok well that didnt go well so i tried this its a revap to the KOTC

    Champion of Valor

    1-Mettle (Su): A Paladin's special blessing allows her to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm her. If a Paladin makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving throw that would normally reduce the spell's effect, she suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of "Will partial," "Fortitude half," or similar entries can be negated through this ability.
    6-Positive Energy Burst (Su): At the cost of two normal turning attempts, a paladin can create a positive energy burst that heals 1d6 points of damage, deals 1d6 points of damage per class level to all undead creatures within 20 feet. Undead are allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + paladin level + Cha modifier) for half damage.
    12-Aura of Resolve (Ex):the Paladin gains immunity to all charm and compulsion effects. His mind is his own, and no other creature can control his thoughts or actions. Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm or compulsion effects. This ability functions while the holy liberator is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead.
    bonus feat: These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expertise (Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Improved Critcal, Stunning Fist, Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run), Power Attack (Cleave, Sunder, Great Cleave), Quick Draw, Two-handed Fighting (Improved Two-handedFighting), Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus.
    18-Firemane Aura: Paladin can create an aura of holy flame around his body. As this ability activates, the paladin's hair or mane (if any) momentarily turns into a brilliant golden flame. Any evil creature striking the Paladin with a natural weapon, or a melee weapon that is not a reach weapon, takes damage equal to the paladin level. Half of this damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire. This aura lasts for 1 minute. action boost
    bonus feat from list above
    20-Champion of Good: You gain +2 Charisma. Any weapon you wield is considered Good aligned for purposes of bypassing damage reduction, deal 1d6 additional holy damage against evil opponents and an additional 2d6 light damage against evil undead or evil outsiders.

    tier 1
    -Divine Might: Channel Divinity: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma modifier for 30/60/120 seconds. (Cooldown 20 seconds)
    -Extra Smite: You gain 1/2 additional use of Smite Evil per rest.
    -Attack Boost: Activate to gain a +4/6/+8 Action Boost to hit for 20 seconds
    -Rally: Channel Divinity: Remove fear from nearby allies. You and the affected allies gain a +2/+4/+6 Moral Bonus to Will Saves vs. Fear effects and a +1/+2/+3 Morale Bonus to Attack and Damage for 60 seconds. (Coodown: 3 miniutes)

    tier 2
    -Extra Smite: You gain 1/2 additional use of Smite Evil per rest.
    -Extra Turning: You gain +1/2/3 use of Turn Undead per rest.
    -Slayer of Evil I: Gain additional benefits when fighting undead or evil outsiders.
    Fiendslayer I: You gain +1 to attack Evil outsiders and deal 1d6 additional damage against them
    Hunter of the Dead I: You gain +1 to attack Undead and deal 1d6 additional damage against them
    -Damage Boost: Actvate to gain a +10%/20/30% Action Boost to weapon damage for 20 Seconds. (Cooldown: 30 Seconds)

    tier 3
    -Exalted Smite: Active: An improved smite that adds +1/+1/+2 to your weapon's critical damage multiplier and 0/+1/+2 to your weapon's critical threat range.
    -Slayer of Evil II: Gain additional benefits when fighting undead or evil outsiders. same as choosen at tier 2 all slayer of evil stack
    Fiendslayer I: You gain +1 to attack Evil outsiders and deal 1d6 additional damage against them
    Hunter of the Dead I: You gain +1 to attack Undead and deal 1d6 additional damage against them
    -Improved Restoration: Your Paladin Remove Disease ability now also appiles a Lesser Restoration/Restoration/Greater Restoration effect to your target.
    -Charisma or Strength: Choose one:
    -Vigor of Life: +10 Positive Healing Amplification -10% less damage from Negative Energy.

    tier 4
    -Slayer of Evil III: Gain additional benefits when fighting undead or evil outsiders. same as choosen at tier 3 all slayer of evil stack
    Fiendslayer I: You gain +1 to attack Evil outsiders and deal 1d6 additional damage against them
    Hunter of the Dead I: You gain +1 to attack Undead and deal 1d6 additional damage against them
    -Combat Sense (Ex): gain a +2 insight bonus on damage and insight bonus on attacks. these bonuses increase to +4.The bonuses increase to +6.
    -Divine Sacrifice: Giving up some of your life force to win the battle, you empower your next blow against your foe. This attack increases the critical multiplier of your weapon by 1 and deals an additional 5d6/7d6/9d6 light damage, but costs you 5 hp and 1 sp, whether or not the attack is successful.
    -Vigor of Life: +10 Positive Healing Amplification -10% less damage from Negative Energy.
    -Charisma or Strength: Choose one:

    tier 5
    -Threefold Smite: you can combine three exalted smite evil attempts in a single attack. Doing this costs you three of your smite evil attempts; if you don't have at least three such attempts remaining, you can't use this ability. Making a threefold smite triples the bonus on damage rolls (but not on attack rolls) normally applied with a smite evil attack. (three times his effective smite evil level of 12th ).(7+(3*level))*3= 129 points of damage (with +2 critical threat range and critical damage multiplier)
    -Holy Retribution: Melee Channel Divinity: Executes a powerful holy strike against the target that deals +1/+3/+5[W] damage. On Damage: Evil creatures with less than 1,000 HP have a 50%/75%/100% chance to be forced to make a Will save (DC 10 + Paladin Level + Charisma Mod) or be destroyed. On a successful save, the affected creature takes 100 holy damage from this attack as well as -6 to all ability scores for ten seconds. (Cooldown: 6 seconds)
    -Shout (Sp): you can use shout 1/2/3 times per rest; your caster level is equal to twice your paladin level (using wisdom or charisma mod for DC which ever is higher). Triadic knights often call this ability "lion's roar."
    -Censure Outsiders: You gain On critical: Stun Evil outsiders for 2 seconds.
    -Sealed Life: You are immune to Energy Drain.

    this is out of 3.5 rule books for the paladin increased for DDO, or from DDO enhancement KoTC
    Last edited by Shaude; 05-27-2014 at 02:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaude View Post
    inspired by and used some of this thread

    The compassion to pursue good, the will to uphold law, and the power to defeat evil - these are the three weapons of the paladin.
    Knight of Truth? needs a good name and i cant think of one.

    1 - Leadership Training -You fortify allies, adds .25% fortification per point spent in tree to all in your aura
    3 - Battle tested - Each Ally within Aura range receives a 3% att speed increase
    6 - Officer Training -pick one fighting style sfw, twf,thf.
    sfw stay in stance with any shield excluding tower adds 2% to double strike and shield bash
    twf adds 3% to offhand attack
    thf adds 2% dam to glancing blows and 1.5% to effects chance
    12 - Battle proven - Each Ally within Aura range receives a 3% att speed increase
    18 - Unending Resolve - aura heals 1 hp per pally level every 6 secs
    20 - code of conduct- +2 str/chr adds 10 feet to aura

    Tier 1
    1 ap-- Tough as Nails -- Gain 5/10/15 Hit Points
    1 ap-- commanding presence -- Intimidate skill and Will Saves are increased by 0/1/2.
    1 ap-- Battlefield Triage -- Heal skill is increased by 1/2/3 and fort save increase by 0/1/2
    2 ap-- purity -- 1/2/2 hit /0/1/2 dam against evil opponents, +2.5 heal amp per rank

    Tier 2
    2 ap-- Sacrifice -- While you block increase threat gen by 2.5/5/7.5% every 2 sec 1/3/5 stacks 1 stack removed every 10 sec
    2 ap-- action boost +1,increase aura by 5 feet
    1 ap-- Energy of the Zealot -- Your Positive Spellpower is increased by 10/15/20 and you gain 15/30/45 spellpoints. At rank 3, you gain the Magical Training feat.
    2 ap-- Truth -- 1/2/2 hit 0/1/2 dam against non good opponents stacks with purity, +2.5 heal amp per rank

    Tier 3
    2 ap-- cha, str, or con
    2 ap-- action boost +1 increase aura by 5 feet
    1 ap-- Compassion for the meek -- The Paladin gains 2/4/6 str/con and dam for each dead or incapacitated ally (within aura). (Stacks)
    2 ap-- Justice -- +1w/+2w/+3w 4 sec cooldown

    Tier 4
    2 ap-- cha, str, or con
    2 ap-- Captain -- add charisma mod to dodge (1/4;1/2;3/4 x paladin lvl capped), increases max dodge by charisma mod at rank 3
    1 ap-- Compassion -- action boost u pass healing force to another (increase heal amp to ally 7/13/20)
    2 ap-- Captian Training --same one u choose at Officer training, adds tower shield to feat list and swf
    swf adds 2% to double strike and shield bash
    twf adds 3% to offhand attack
    thf adds 2% dam to glancing blows and 1.5% to effects chance

    Tier 5
    2 ap-- Phalanx Formation -- gain .5(w) to shield and weapons +1 threat range
    1 ap-- Into the Fray! -- charisma mod to run speed (use 1 turn undead) lasts 30 sec
    2 ap-- Humility -- mount of the paladin(transports all soul stones in paladins aura and paladin to beginning of quest) deals 10 points holy damage AOE of aura ((10 *level of paladin)* number of stones+1 transported) . 1 per day/rest? (3 sec timer for confirmation of transfer(as greater teleport)) paladin has +40% sacred bonus movement speed and 50 temp hit points for 1 min.
    2 ap-- Commander Training -- same one u choose at Captain training
    swf adds 2% to double strike and shield bash
    twf adds 3% to offhand attack
    thf adds 2% dam to glancing blows and 1.5% to effects chance

    i think it needs some adjustments just cant see what atm hoping its balanced for pure and multiclass and not OP'd
    I think the big deal is that it gives too much power for the 2level splash. 13% healing amp for a 2 level splash is too much, in my opinion. KotC puts it i higher tiers, and I think that makes more sense, as 2 level Pal splashes are already quite powerful as they are. And giving the mental toughness feat at level two is huge too. Both enhancements are good, but just shouldn't be the low-hanging fruit imho.

  4. #4
    Community Member Shaude's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by LuKaSu View Post
    I think the big deal is that it gives too much power for the 2level splash. 13% healing amp for a 2 level splash is too much, in my opinion. KotC puts it i higher tiers, and I think that makes more sense, as 2 level Pal splashes are already quite powerful as they are. And giving the mental toughness feat at level two is huge too. Both enhancements are good, but just shouldn't be the low-hanging fruit imho.
    Thanks for stopping by, i was hoping you would. i think u have a great point i moved the amp to tier 3 and 4where it should of been(under compassion) i messed up flow, and the magical training requires 1st lvl paladin spells
    Last edited by Shaude; 05-27-2014 at 02:44 AM.

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