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Thread: Phlogiston

  1. #1
    Community Member Allorian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Question Phlogiston

    Hi, I was thinking why does it take so long to collect dragon phlogiston especially when it's BTC? Giant Hold has traders that you can trade relics that you can get the ones you want in a 3 for one deal and ancient relics are not that hard to get. Why not have a trader in Thunder Peaks for Phlogiston trading? Considering how difficult they are to get it could be a 2 for 1 trade or so, to get the one you need, that would seem fair to me. Right now it seems drop rates for Dragon Phlogiston are 1 for every 2 runs on EN, not to mention the low drop rates of named items in those raids. If the Phlogiston were BTA, it probably would not be a big of a deal as it is but in that case it would still be nice to have a trader. There does not seem to be enough raids going off nowadays so this would definitely help. Does anyone else have any ideas on the matter?

    Have a good one Guys!
    Glam(the only toon I've played in the last year and a half or so), Cho, Jugg. and others.

  2. #2
    Hero rosedarkthorn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I'd really like to see this happen. I'm not a fan of Deathwyrm. It doesn't pop up very often at a time where I'd be able to join one, it takes a long time to complete, it's tedious, and I'd much prefer to do Fire on Thunderpeak and trade in the Fire Phlogistons for the Shadow Phlogistons. Unfortunately, I doubt it will happen.

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