Hi looking for help on this issue if anyone has any suggestions.
You can see from this picture http://s193.photobucket.com/user/ohh...c5261.jpg.html that both the tool tip description and the crafting alter description say that this option should give you 30DR. The only way in fact that you would know that "Shadowkiller" means 2d6 SA is if you looked it up on the wiki - ie trust a 3rd party website rather than the in-game description on the actual crafting device (with no offense intended to the wonderful ddowiki that we're all indebted to).
So my friend goes and puts the 2nd tier on his shadow scale *heavy* armor and is surprised by the 2d6 SA added (which is of course a very useful thing to have on a tank. not). This is obviously not wanted. He does this twice. On each occasion he puts a ticket in and the ticket is immediately closed.
Does anyone know of any way he can get his crafting ingredients back because this really doesn't seem fair.
edit: link borked. ty a for pointing this out.