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  1. #1
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    Default the things I thought...

    *My English is not primary. so you'll be confused, then ask me plz.

    1. Dark Cleric's spell-like abilities.
    Devs said they'll improve them, but nothing changed yet.

    It was what I wrote once for dark cleric.

    2. Archmage's Arcane Blast/Wave
    Well, This was for old use when a caster's SP is too low to cast efficient spells... it may be about two years ago.
    but now, there's no case that people should use those SLAs, because Arcane Blast/Wave is too poor and there's Epic spells.
    1d6 per caster level? with no reversion(like 1d3+3 of fireball/lightning bolt)? with no metamagic? It's suck.
    Palemaster's Necrotic series also sucks. but at least they are more unlimited than arcane series.

    well, but I know there's nothing special to replace them. but i have an opinion.

    at the time of old enhancement system, Archmages took 3 schools' SLAs at once. So I got an idea from that.
    You can see that below.

    Yellow Box:
    You can gain three SLAs as secondary school selection.
    You can get SLAs from tier 1 to tier 3.
    to gain tier 2 or 3 SLA, You should learn tier 2, 3 core abilities.

    Red Box:
    You can gain a SLA as third school selection.
    You can get a tier 1 SLA.

    In fact, I know you devs are difficult to work as my opinion.
    so I have another version of this.

    Yellow: Choose secondary school and gain tier 1 SLA of secondary school.

    Green: gain tier 2 SLA of the shcool you chose.

    Red: gain tier 3 SLA of the shcool you chose.

    3. (Repeating) Crossbows on epic
    It's true that Repeating Xbows are superior at heroic times.
    but, on epic, All crossbows are behind than other combat way like spells, bow, melee weapons. There's less way that XBow can be improved.
    for artificer, even Endless Fusilade(Xbow Autoreload) is boost, but That can't be recharged by Dragonic Reinvigoration(Thunderforged Boost Recharge).
    Also Their damage is limited in int stat, but People must take 6 art or 6 rogue for XBow int damage.

    by the way, It's just my wish. I'd like to see if Endless Fusilade Boost's duration can be longer.
    like this; (tier 5)duration of Endless Fusilade is increased to 9.
    Last edited by Targal; 05-24-2014 at 04:00 PM.
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  2. #2
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Re archmage. To my mind the solution here is no more complicated than this: allow metamagics on all SLAs. At least allow heighten on anything that has a save. No need for more cheap SLAs, we just need the ones we have to be worth using for more than a few levels after you get access to them.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Re archmage. To my mind the solution here is no more complicated than this: allow metamagics on all SLAs. At least allow heighten on anything that has a save. No need for more cheap SLAs, we just need the ones we have to be worth using for more than a few levels after you get access to them.
    that's a simplest solution!
    Orien Server
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