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  1. #1
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default WTB EE Blue Helm with 3 Cha

    Like the title says, I'm looking to buy: EE Helm of the Blue Dragon with 3 Insightful Charisma.

    I have some shards, so if its bound thats okay, but am not going to pay the farm. Epic 3BC has a new hat coming out which is similar, but I'd rather finish what I was after if possible; I was just never able to pull one myself.

    So please let me know what you'd like for one if you have it, PM here or in-game mail to "Tradebbq" is fine. In addition to some shards, I have platinum, many EN/EH items, some EE items, some crafting mats, a stack of major mana pots, etc. I'm happy to answer any questions, and can do most content easily if theres a specific thing you want, so let me know. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Bump, still looking until U22 drops. As mentioned, I have some shards I can use, along with whatever else. Couple of EH helms in case maybe someone wants a different one as part of a trade, or feel free to ask about any other items. I can check my bags and check with folks online. I dont mind doing some legwork to put together a trade. Just like to finish the set before it gets out of date when E3BC goes live. Thanks, cheers.

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