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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2013

    Default What is up with the Lag???

    I have 5 mbps cable internet connection, but when I do speed tests, it usually clocks around 1.5 mbps (download). So this is really bottom rung of the ladder stuff as internet connections go. (Comcast ftw...)
    I have a new i7 computer.

    And I almost never have any lag to speak of.

    I read other threads of people complaining about lag. Don't merge servers because of lag. In game people talk about lag. When someone dies, it's because of lag (lol). I guess I just don't get it.

    (Okay, during Mabar, if I was in the first instance or so of the dragon, yes, crippling lock-up lag.)

    When I did experience anything I would think might be lag it was on my old computer when 10 fps was my average and I routinely saw 5 fps or lower. But that, of course, wasn't lag. My computer just sucked. Now with new computer, I have no issues.

    So I just don't understand where all the lag is that a lot of people complain about.
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  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Well I played for over a year with zero lag issues and my rig and internet is average. For about a month and change I get lag spikes in most of the public areas. Marketplace, Harbor and Kundarak are the worst. You know when you're running and your toon stops dead and then 4-8 seconds later you appear back where you ran past already.

    Once in quest its usually fine so I live with it but Its annoying as heck. It started happening after the last patch. Coincidence? I think not.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Catteras View Post
    I have 5 mbps cable internet connection, but when I do speed tests, it usually clocks around 1.5 mbps (download). So this is really bottom rung of the ladder stuff as internet connections go. (Comcast ftw...)
    I have a new i7 computer.

    And I almost never have any lag to speak of.

    I read other threads of people complaining about lag. Don't merge servers because of lag. In game people talk about lag. When someone dies, it's because of lag (lol). I guess I just don't get it.

    (Okay, during Mabar, if I was in the first instance or so of the dragon, yes, crippling lock-up lag.)

    When I did experience anything I would think might be lag it was on my old computer when 10 fps was my average and I routinely saw 5 fps or lower. But that, of course, wasn't lag. My computer just sucked. Now with new computer, I have no issues.

    So I just don't understand where all the lag is that a lot of people complain about.
    Sounds like you're playing at lag-speed anyway.

    Seriously though, there's a secret thread in these forums where we formulate posts about the mythical "lagbeast" to confuse and frighten new players. It's a big practical joke. You can ask Turbine, there is no lag.

  4. #4
    Community Member Nestroy's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by FrancisP.Fancypants View Post
    Sounds like you're playing at lag-speed anyway.

    Seriously though, there's a secret thread in these forums where we formulate posts about the mythical "lagbeast" to confuse and frighten new players. It's a big practical joke. You can ask Turbine, there is no lag.
    Now, asking Turbine about the lag is a praktical joke. The lag beast exists - it´s the spectral dragon in Mabar.

  5. #5
    Community Member Atremus's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Take a full party into the wilderness area in Thunderholme and enjoy the game completely locking up. It is very entertaining if you are into not playing a video game.
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