This may sound weird, But I believe this will work. I do not have a character planned out cause I do not know what to exactly grab.
The Result is a 18/2 Wiz/Rog Elf (But with Elf having skill to get Access to AA) It will be an Eldritch Knight, Pale Master, Arcane Archer.
Pretty simple, Elf have the Bow and Dex for Damage skills, EK gets you the protection and Spell swords for more damage, with Pale Master giving you heals, and then the 2 rog for Evasion and traps. The only real problem I see with this is how spread out the skill points are, also not a lot of feat options. I DO plan however playing as a basic AA but with spells to fall back on, Feats as pointed towards a ranger with Many shot, while that is on cool down, switch to a Great sword, or Axe to lay some Tempest and Strikes from EK for damage. (I chose two handed cause there are less feats to obtain.)
I have tried, Arrow Imbues from AA and Weapon Imbues from EK do stack. AS you level, play as a Wiz. Then later on get your bow in for more damage. Spells are not going be the greatest but are something.