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  1. #1
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    Question Epic Reincarnation

    Hello, I have a question about the ER and related to sagas/quest progressions.

    From the Wiki, it says that ER also gives you an LR, meaning that from 1-20 you get your LR and can respec your character, also granting you one ER feat/stance that gives an active and passive bonus.
    In order to ER, you need to be level 28 and have 6 million karma in whatever sphere you want to ER from/into, which is no problem for me (I have two maxed...) my only concern is this:

    Yes, Sagas are currently disabled.

    Yes, Quest completions for Sagas still track (like any other quest) so that when Sagas are available again (June hopefully) everyone can turn in and be happy.

    Lesser Reincarnation does not get rid of Quest Progression, Favor, etc.

    But will Epic Reincarnation?

    I have Saga completion rewards (waiting) for probably three NPCs, but if I Epic Reincarnate, will I lose those completions (since it would level me down and up from 1 to 20, and because the level restriction would bar someone level 20 playing a level 24 to level 28 quest) and therefore, lose the reward possibility?

    I'm perfectly fine with waiting until June, but I would like to know either way.

    Thanks for reading this, and happy slaying.

  2. #2
    Hero JJMC895610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarklinkRedlink View Post
    Lesser Reincarnation does not get rid of Quest Progression, Favor, etc.

    But will Epic Reincarnation?
    No, you will not lose quest progression, favor, etc. if you ER.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarklinkRedlink View Post
    I have Saga completion rewards (waiting) for probably three NPCs, but if I Epic Reincarnate, will I lose those completions (since it would level me down and up from 1 to 20, and because the level restriction would bar someone level 20 playing a level 24 to level 28 quest) and therefore, lose the reward possibility?
    You will not lose your saga progress if you ER.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJMC895610 View Post
    No, you will not lose quest progression, favor, etc. if you ER.

    You will not lose your saga progress if you ER.
    Awesome! Thank you very much for the response.

  4. #4
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJMC895610 View Post

    You will not lose your saga progress if you ER.
    This has the nice benefit that you can store up rewards for all the sagas, ER, and instantly be level 21 and well on your way to 22. Well, you COULD . . . when the sagas weren't BUSTED.

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  5. #5
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Etr doesnt get rid of anything except 8 lvls.
    You are still flagged for everything, you can collect end rewards after it, you can take sagas after it.

  6. #6
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    I have a question about ER, so I'll just tack it on here. So apparently, favor, quest progression isn't lost. But you sacrifice 6 million karma from your chosen destiny sphere. Two questions on this:

    1. Does that mean you can't ER if you don't have 6 million in one of the spheres?
    2. What about the XP/Karma in the other spheres? Do those stay, along with all current Fate points? So basically, if I ER and sacrifice 6 million Karma from the Martial sphere, I still have progress and abilities from the other spheres that I can twist and use right away?

    Are there any big downsides to Epic Reincarnation?

  7. #7
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimwhit1 View Post
    I have a question about ER, so I'll just tack it on here. So apparently, favor, quest progression isn't lost. But you sacrifice 6 million karma from your chosen destiny sphere. Two questions on this:

    1. Does that mean you can't ER if you don't have 6 million in one of the spheres?
    2. What about the XP/Karma in the other spheres? Do those stay, along with all current Fate points? So basically, if I ER and sacrifice 6 million Karma from the Martial sphere, I still have progress and abilities from the other spheres that I can twist and use right away?

    Are there any big downsides to Epic Reincarnation?
    1. yes only in the sphere you want to ER
    2. yes

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  8. #8
    Community Member thegreatneil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimwhit1 View Post
    I have a question about ER, so I'll just tack it on here. So apparently, favor, quest progression isn't lost. But you sacrifice 6 million karma from your chosen destiny sphere. Two questions on this:

    1. Does that mean you can't ER if you don't have 6 million in one of the spheres?
    2. What about the XP/Karma in the other spheres? Do those stay, along with all current Fate points? So basically, if I ER and sacrifice 6 million Karma from the Martial sphere, I still have progress and abilities from the other spheres that I can twist and use right away?

    Are there any big downsides to Epic Reincarnation?
    1) you need 6 million karma in a sphere to ETR

    2) XP =/= karma ETR ing does not affect your ED exp, just the karma you have accumulated.
    When you ETR, it uses the 6 million karma from the sphere you choose (primal, arcane, martial, or divine)
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post
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  9. #9
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJMC895610 View Post
    No, you will not lose quest progression, favor, etc. if you ER.
    The good news is you don't have to reflag for anything; the bad news is since it doesn't reset quest completions, you also don't get first-time completion nor Bravery Bonuses on anything you ran pre-ER.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreatneil View Post
    1) you need 6 million karma in a sphere to ETR

    2) XP =/= karma ETR ing does not affect your ED exp, just the karma you have accumulated.
    When you ETR, it uses the 6 million karma from the sphere you choose (primal, arcane, martial, or divine)
    Interesting. So what's the difference between ED exp and Karma? What exactly does sacrificing the Karma do if it doesn't affect the ED exp?

  11. #11
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimwhit1 View Post
    Interesting. So what's the difference between ED exp and Karma? What exactly does sacrificing the Karma do if it doesn't affect the ED exp?
    It just means you need to run in that sphere for another 6M if you want another ER feat from that same sphere.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    It just means you need to run in that sphere for another 6M if you want another ER feat from that same sphere.
    Cool. I guess that makes sense. I'm thinking I should ER, then. I wouldn't mind running through the epic levels again. Of course, if nothing resets, that makes it tougher. I get a lot of exp in explorer areas. Won't have that option the next time around.

    Thanks for the responses!

  13. #13
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimwhit1 View Post
    Cool. I guess that makes sense. I'm thinking I should ER, then. I wouldn't mind running through the epic levels again. Of course, if nothing resets, that makes it tougher. I get a lot of exp in explorer areas. Won't have that option the next time around.

    Thanks for the responses!
    The Daily Bonus helps pretty good. By the time you get another 4200 VComms, you should be back on top.
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  14. #14
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimwhit1 View Post
    So what's the difference between ED exp and Karma? What exactly does sacrificing the Karma do if it doesn't affect the ED exp?
    Think of ED XP as "once and done;" i.e., after you max out an ED, you never have to level it again. Your Karma is a replenishing pool which caps out at 6M per Sphere; when you ER, you "drain" a full Karma pool down to zero in exchange for an EPL feat, then go back to 20 to do it again (or HTR if you can).

    So when earning epic XP, you can level all or none of the following:
    • If you haven't hit level cap, you gain regular XP towards your epic levels.
    • If you're in an ED which you haven't maxed out yet, you gain ED XP.
    • If you're in an ED Sphere which hasn't hit 6M Karma yet, you gain Karma XP in that sphere.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Think of ED XP as "once and done;" i.e., after you max out an ED, you never have to level it again. Your Karma is a replenishing pool which caps out at 6M per Sphere; when you ER, you "drain" a full Karma pool down to zero in exchange for an EPL feat, then go back to 20 to do it again (or HTR if you can).

    So when earning epic XP, you can level all or none of the following:
    • If you haven't hit level cap, you gain regular XP towards your epic levels.
    • If you're in an ED which you haven't maxed out yet, you gain ED XP.
    • If you're in an ED Sphere which hasn't hit 6M Karma yet, you gain Karma XP in that sphere.
    That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!

  16. #16
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    I have another quick question. I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but when you ER, does your explorer and slayer progress stay like quest progress does? Or do you start all over with those? I'm guess the former, but I just wanted to make sure.

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