Lamannia Known Issues (Last Updated 5-14-14)
Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is no need to submit a bug report unless otherwise noted. For more information about bug reporting, click here!
Current Known Issues (5-14-2014)
NEW: Players will be unable to enter the Epic versions of Two-Toed Tobias and Garl's Tomb unless they talk to both the Epic and Heroic quest givers, and get both the Epic and Heroic versions of these quests.
NEW: Creating a character with the Single-Weapon Fighting feat prevents that character from finishing the character creation process. Players should take the Single-Weapon Fighting feat any time after character creation, or via Fred, rather than create a new character with this feat.
NEW: Monster statting is not complete for this initial preview of Update 22 on Lamannia. Therefore, monsters in the new Epic Three Barrel Cove content do not have final hit points, saving throws, or other stats.
The Kobold Island: Short Cuts optional objective "Kill 5 Orthon Lieutenants" is not able to be completed.
DDO Game Launcher:
The French and German language game client is no longer supported. Please use our supported game client to avoid certain UI issues.
When trying to launch the game client, make sure to use TurbineLauncher.exe (located in your DDO installation folder), and make sure to shortcut the TurbineLauncher (instead of the dndlauncher or other .exe's!)
Mac Game Client Issues:
Mac users utilizing the "Install, then play" DDO launcher option will encounter an message stating a "disk image" error when launching the game client. This error does not impact the ability to patch the game or play DDO.
Players using the Mac client may receive the message "dndclient quit unexpectedly" when quitting the game through any method.
Players using the Mac client are not able to adjust their Brightness, Contrast and Gamma levels.
The Halfling rogue enhancement Master Thrower and the feat Improved Critical: Thrown Weapons both increase the critical threat range of thrown weapons. Their current descriptions imply that they should stack together, but currently they do not stack.
The Ninja Spy's Ninja Master enhancement is not providing its +2 Competence bonus to the Critical Threat Range of shurikens.
Characters with the Kensei's Weapon Focus: Heavy Blades enhancement do not stay centered during One With The Blade if they have a scimitar equipped.
The Knight of the Chalice enhancement Champion of Good is not allowing weapons to bypass Good-aligned Damage Reduction.
The Deepwood Stalker enhancement "Improved Weapon Finesse" is not applying to Unarmed attacks or Handwraps.
Shintao: the light based moves do not build up to finishing moves.
Core Arcane Archer enhancement bonuses to bows do not overwrite the already-present enhancement bonuses on bows.
The Assassin enhancement Shiv does not reduce the threat of nearby enemies as described.
The Paladin's Improved Dilettante does not add up to three points of the character's Charisma bonus to increased Saving Throws.
Epic Feats do not list their Pre-Requisites.
There is no Skill Focus: Spellcraft feat
Guilds & Airships
After a sudden server restart, it can take up to an hour for guild airship amenities to repopulate. No action is needed for the amenities to reappear, but placing amenities in the empty hook points can cause amenities to be overwritten when they repopulate.
The Key to the City - Eveningstar can not be used on guild airships. This will be fixed in a future update. Players can use the Key to the City outside of the guild airship.
The Ruby Eye of Force and Ruby Eye of Righteousness both state in the pre-slotted augment description that they do 4 to 16 damage per minimum level of the item, but that description changes to 3 to 12 damage when slotted into an item. The augments do 3 to 12 points of area-of-effect damage per minimum level of the item.
The Quiver of Poison's poison damage does not appear in the combat log.
The Treads of Falling Shadow's Ghostly effect does not bypass incorporeal creatures.
The Lantern Ring's Radiant Glory effect has an incorrect tooltip. The description should read, "On Harmful Spellcast: Do an additional 2 to 12 Light damage. This effect scales with Light Spell Power. Cooldown: 1 second." The upgraded version should read, "On Harmful Spellcast: Do an additional 3 to 18 Light damage. This effect scales with Light Spell Power. Cooldown: 1 second."
The Vertigo and Dazing weapon effects are affecting the wrong effects. Vertigo is increasing the DC of Stunning effects instead of Trip effects, and Dazing is affecting Trip effects rather than Stunning effects.
Scrolls of Conjure Bolts do not conjure any bolts. <-------One of the biggest reasons I quit. Because this bug has been in the Known Issues from day one and STILL has not been fixed! Warner Bros. or Turbine, whoever is responsible, could have had over $200 or probably more from me at this point if this bug was fixed. Is it worth passing up?
Korthos Island
Shipwreck Shore
Cellimas and Jeets sometimes get stuck in the pool room once combat is over.
Secrets of the Artificers
Warforged are missing their death animations.
There is a typo in Thela Bonmar's dialogue after players defeat Aurgolroasa.
Pressing the "use" button too quickly may cause a mirror to not reflect light properly until the mirror is spun around again.
Vale of Twilight
Valairea Satnerine's tutorial quest for the Altar of Fecundity doesn't check for items inside bags. As long as the items she wants are outside the bags, she will take them.
It is not possible to hide the Dragonmark on a Half-orc.
It is possible for items to erroneously appear above or underneath other items in your first few inventory slots following a Lesser or Epic Reincarnation, making it appear that an item disappeared. Moving your inventory slots around can uncover these items.
The Lesser Reincarnation UI does not state that the account-level 32-Point Build option is required in order to upgrade a character to 32-points when using a Lesser Reincarnation.
Spells with a Fortitude save for half damage are displaying an "Evade" combat text on a successful saving throw.
The "Buy Now" button remains in your character inventory UI even when you have purchased all available inventory slots. This will be corrected in the near future.
The word "Dodge" is used instead of "Spell Resistance" when a monster makes a Spell Resistance saving throw.
The Founder's Fountain in the Harbor displays only a black screen when clicked on.
The Challenge Rules button displays only a black window when selected.
Players are unable to report a bug through the in-game browser. Please visit to submit bug reports.
If a player dies and checks the "Do Not Show" option in the "You Are Dead" UI box, then resets hints, the "Do Not Show" checkbox remains checked the next time the "You Are Dead" box appears.
NPCs that have been turned to stone still move in the Focus Orb.
Some ambient audio noises fail to clear up when changing instances/leaving the area, and persist in other areas of the game when they should not.
In Dx11, some ground textures appear black, particularly if using the "Low" setting. This can be corrected by turning on Multi-Pass Lighting in the graphics settings, or by increasing the display quality above "Low".
Artificer Iron Defender Modules appear under the Handwraps section of the Auction House.
Of Special Note
Monster Manual and Wilderness Area slayer counts do not update until a player logs out and then logs back in. This change was made to improve game performance.
If you are downgrading from a VIP account, any characters of a premium race and/or class that you have not purchased with Turbine Points or unlocked with favor must be purchased/unlocked before you will be able to access the character as a free or premium player. Example: If you downgrade and select a warforged monk, you will need to purchase monk and warforged before you'll be able to play the character.
Remember that if you take Jeets offer to skip the tutorial you will be advanced ahead in the storyline of Korthos. In order to group with friends who have not yet unlocked the ability to skip the tutorial, decline Jeets offer to skip ahead and complete the grotto tutorial instance. This will allow you to enter the snowy version of Korthos village to group with other players in that part of the story!
DDO Store
Once Favored Soul or Drow is unlocked with favor points, it is still accessible in the DDO Store. This is by design, as purchase in the store will grant Favored Soul or Drow access to your account for all servers, while favor unlocking is per-server only.
Viewing the Store before you login a character will only display account level character purchase items. To see a full list of items available to your character, log in the character.
The DDO Store's automatic filtering does not recognize feats or enhancements that allow you to overcome prerequisites for some items. This can result in the Store blocking some items from appearing in your catalog because the store doesn't think you are able to use the items. To see and be able to purchase these items, turn off filtering.
You must close and reopen the DDO Store to purchase each upgrade of the Shared Bank: Platinum Vault.
It is not possible to have more than three classes during a reincarnation, and the reincarnation system remembers how many classes you had prior to the start of the reincarnation process. Therefore, some players may experience issues preventing them from taking a "fourth" class, particularly if they are a three-class multiclass build and are attempting to swap out one of the classes for a different class.