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  1. #1
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default Ingredient Bag identification system

    This is an idea that came along while chatting.

    Some system to identify an ingredient bag from another ingredient bag...

    Right now we are all riddled with green ingredient bags and unless you are meticulous in your bag locations and have an excellent memory you have difficulties remembering what is contained in which bag.
    Identifying a green bag by it's location is at best a Pavlovian reflex. Being able to identify it at a glance would be a great improvement.

    So my idea is to have a cosmetic dye on the bags.

    This could be a store item ( say 20~40ish TP ), and 15ish colors would do the trick.

    That way we could identify at a glance the Epic Scroll Bag, the Epic Seal Bag, the Greensteel Ingredient Bag, the Trapmaking Bag.
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Rasczak's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    I would definitely buy into something that works like that. I have Epic Seals, Scrolls, Shards, Tokens, Lordsmarch, Cannith Crafting, Greensteel, Alchemical, Sentinels, Lord of Eyes, Inspired, Adamantine, Necro Scarabs, Trap Parts, Runes and others I can't think of right now.

    I'd love a better way to handle my inventory even if just graphical.
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  3. #3
    Community Member MadGardener's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Default account steam trunks

    I would love better collectible system. hugh hassle shuffling crafting ingredients, collectibles, epic stuff, challenge collectibles, shroud, eveningstar stuff, etc.... what I would like is some of the shared items able to be collected in an orderly search-able 'bag' perhaps account bound steamer trunks that sit in the account bank slot that gathers specific stuff like the crafting ingredients. I would perfer if this was not a purchase item but perhaps earned from favour (lot of the favour rewards need update from when lv 10 was cap).

  4. #4
    Grand Panjandrum Alisonique's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Or even, radical idea warning, simplify the various crafting system so that there is only one crafting system and all mats have a value again? Naaaaah no chance!
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  5. #5
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    This is an idea that came along while chatting.

    Some system to identify an ingredient bag from another ingredient bag...

    Right now we are all riddled with green ingredient bags and unless you are meticulous in your bag locations and have an excellent memory you have difficulties remembering what is contained in which bag.
    Identifying a green bag by it's location is at best a Pavlovian reflex. Being able to identify it at a glance would be a great improvement.

    So my idea is to have a cosmetic dye on the bags.

    This could be a store item ( say 20~40ish TP ), and 15ish colors would do the trick.

    That way we could identify at a glance the Epic Scroll Bag, the Epic Seal Bag, the Greensteel Ingredient Bag, the Trapmaking Bag.
    Not a bad idea at all but something that would possibly be easier to implement would be to allow us to give names/labels to our bags which appear when we hover the mouse over them. The names could be limited to x amount of characters and only contain letters and (maybe) numbers.

    While on the topic of this Turbine would you implement the section thing you have inside collectible bags and apply the same thing to ingredient bags already! The code is already there and would need tweaking to apply to green bags!

    Pretty please!


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