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So I made a caster druid when they first came out and everyone was building dps wolves. I figured why go druid if you weren't blasting stuff. I didn't have a lot to go off of and had some fun, but shelved it for some other alts that I was enjoying. So the other day I run a wheloon elite at heroic level and before my zeus build can even get close to the mobs it's word of balance, FOD, word of balance, FOD and mobs are dropping like crazy. I end up running some GH stuff on epic later on with another druid and I'm melee and same thing. Just questing like a boss. So it got me excited again. I mean that kind of insta kill and the best cc in game (earthquake) all with great healing in a cool druid form. Count me in. So I go look up caster builds and there seem to be one main one. The evoker. However most comments and posts indicate to skip spell pen. However it seems that FOD and WOB (Word of Balance, not Banshee) all require that and caster builds are using it effectively. Am I missing something? Do druids not require a spell check for those? Are not all druids skipping spell pen and in fact some are building around it?Thanks