I'm currently looking at: 18 monk 1 rogue 1 fighter
I don't want to do a deep splash because I want to check out Quivering palm and want to enjoy as much as a pure monk experience.
If: 2 rogue = no fail umd, haste boost, traps
If: 2 fghter = tactics, haste boost, 2 feats
If: 1 rogue 1 fghter = no fail umd, haste boost, 1 feat (if with traps, need 16 int, 12 con, 14 wis or str. If I like the build enough, I may go do an Epic past life so I'm not throwing out Strength & Overwhelming Crit.)
1)Will no failing heal scrolls be a useful advantage? I don't want to go half elf Cleric dil because of the heavy investment in enhancement points (17 i believe) for 95% heals. If not I can just go 18 monk 2 fighter
2)Will trapping be a useful advantage? Will my reflex as a monk be enough to pass elite traps in heroic? If not I can just go 18 monk 2 fighter
3)How is 10k stars on a Monk without Shuriken expertise for backup ranged. (I don't have any other useful things to pick here)
4)Is precision good? Some people swear by it. While i haven't done the math, -4 damage and a 2.5% chance to crit, vs. +4 dmg, i go with Power attack. Even with Improved Sunder (2 feats), it is still just -40% fort, or 4% crit chance.
power attack
2 weapon fighting
stunning fist
deflect arrows
light path
stunning blow
dodge or +2 reflexes
great cleave
IC: bludgeon
Improved 2 weapon fighting
Ten thousand stars
Greater 2 weapon fighting
Strength: 16 + 2 level ups + 5 tome for Overwhelming Crit (If going epic)
Wisdom: 16 + rest of level ups
Dex: 15
Con: 15
Int and Cha: 8