Greetings Sarlonians,
I know over the weekend in the Cove lots of peeps were talking about the upcoming changes to guilds. Allot of folks seemed concerned about decay. Here is a quote from the following dev. post that may be of interest to some peeps:
Guild Levels
The big news is that guild levels are extending to 200. Let’s break out how this will work:
- The Renown XP curve will pretty much flatten after 100*
- Any banked renown for level 100 guilds will apply
- Through a series of tricks, Airship and amenities now unlock, on average, earlier and easier than before
- New airships and other items will continue to unlock through Guild Level 150
- We are turning guild decay on for levels 150-200 ONLY: these are bragging rights levels
- For bragging level guilds, your guild title text will change different colors in recognition of your status
- You’ll be able to find out what the highest ranked guild on your server is
All the best,