I feel like I am teaching my class again and tons of kids there who do not want to be or to stupid to learn. I over simplified it if I should have added all other sources of damage a swash gets over a non swash with same feats your talking a whole lot more damage. Every point damage is 120 more damage when all totaled. So Swashes add 12 damage in there tree means a extra 1400 damage plus if anyone notice in last example I did not use the greater single weapon feat witch would have added another 2500 damage almost. Plus if you double shot this witch can happen especially seeing how swashes have about 50% doubleshot with action boost your talking about doubling these numbers.
Soulsavour 28 cleric completionist/epic completionist, Soundofthe Melodymaster 20 lock completionist/triple epic completionist (working on triple normal completionist), Holypoo 28 pally epic completionist, Edgeofshadows 28 rogue
I still think that not allowing all bard weapons is a mistake. And not just because most of my bard's best weapons are longswords (with a couple of mmorningstars). I just don't like a bard melee enhancement not allowing bard melee weapons. PLEASE seriously consider making it "bard and finessable". That makes a heck of a lot more sense than the current "thrown or finessable" rules. Or since you're bound and determined to make throwing weapons relevant, how 'bout "bard, finessable, and thrown"?
This is a bard ability. Please let bards use ALL the tools of their (jack of all) trade to use it. I don't want longswords to be finessable, but I *do* want them to be Swashbucklerable.
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
If they add GTHF as a requisite, I would love if they added glancing blows at the second attack of the chain, thus every single standing attack with a two-handed weapon will trigger glancing blows.
Might need some math to back it up, but my impression is that it will be better than 5% doublestrike if you consider how easy is to reach the second attack in the chain while mixing up with cleaves.
Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
Almost-never-played-alts: Arquera - Chapolin - Fabber - Herweg - Mecanico - Tenma
I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.
Last edited by Delacroix21; 05-21-2014 at 10:11 PM.
Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!
Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36
I like both this idea and the "extra 10 points" idea.
I've mostly liked the enhancement pass changes, but one thing I've hated from the get-go is the hard splits in the trees. IMHO, cores should be reliant on points spent in a tree, but the tiers shouldn't. The tiers should be unlocked based on points spent in the CLASS, not the TREE. In other words, I should be able to put 20 points in Spellsinger and open up tier 4 in Warchanter without putting a single point in Warchanter (other than maybe the first core to 'open' it). I'd even be willing to increase the amount of points required (though probably not doubled). However, I couldn't get the additional cores without spending that many points - but I could skip entire tiers. There's a *lot* of stuff that I don't want but get simply because I want something in the next tier - which I could ignore if points from other racial trees fit (my ranger/rogue has to get to Venomed Blades *somehow*, even if he won't use anything from T1... I mean, Shiv is nice, but I'd rather spend those points somewhere else.)
Also IMHO, cores should be autogrants if you spend X amount of points in the tree.
And racial trees should be tier-locked based on total points spent (this could easily be doubled from current without being too onerous)
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
The fictional/historical "swashbuckler" warrior is typically depicted using a one-handed sword, such as a rapier, longsword, shortsword, or scimitar. But for some reason the DDO Swashbuckler tree only supports half of those weapons.
Please fix Swashbuckler to support more one-handed sword weapon types.
The way to do that is to remove the limitation to light/finesse weapons for Swashbuckler stance, and then add Longsword to the list of items that get Shortsword/Dagger bonuses and Scimitar to the Rapier/Kukri list. Easy! Note that as non-finesse weapons, builds using those items would have to be strength based (or use some other enhancement to get dexterity hit, as seen in elf or ranger trees)
That would defeat the point of even having separate trees at all. If the devs made that change, they'd have to follow it up by picking out the "good" enhancements from each tree and making them 3x or 4x as expensive...
That's how it originally worked, but it was bad so they changed it. If they were to lower cores from 1 AP to 0 AP, they'd have to make other enhancements more expensive to compensate.
The problem with glancing blows is that they don't scale with crit profile, whereas doublestrike etc. do. With the massive levels of critical profile enhancement possible these days (e.g. most Sireth / eSoS wielders are running around at 13-20x3, those in divine crusader at 11-20x3) the glancing blows are relatively speaking anemic.
The only real way to fix this if you want THF to be the AoE style is to allow glancing blows the full weapon crit profile. That would make it worthwhile to actually dps down a crowd of trash using glancing blows, and keep top end two-handed fighting competitive with TWF (which benefits more from the overpowered procs on thunderforged weapons).
It makes sense.
Thematically correct, flavourful, roleplaying-friendly. And given that you would have to use STR (or a workaround for DEX) it doesn't change game balance/mechanics.
I don't see why this hasn't been done already.
Note to devs: choices are good, more weapons supporting swashbuckling is good, more favored weapons would be good too.
Regarding the Longsword:
I agree that it should be added. However since it is a d8 Weapon and all other weapons are d6 or lower there should be a downside as well. You could for example add an enchantment to unlock LS for Swashbuckling. Maybe 2 Tiers one for the unlock and one to increase the crit profile to 18-20 x3, for a total of 4 AP.
I feel like this would be appropriate since it would give 1 - 4.5 damage depending on the weapon.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Upgrading your weapon one die size would be a pretty bad use of a feat slot, if DDO allowed that. A better thing to compare against is Empty Hand Mastery in the Shintao tree, which does upgrade from d6 to d8. That costs 2 AP, and is a lot better than the proposed 4 AP Longsword enhancement in several ways.
That version of a Longsword enhancement doesn't directly upgrade your damage; it merely allows you to use a different weapon type, with all the limitations that entails. Obtaining a good Longsword is often a lot more difficult than getting a good Rapier/Shortsword/Pick/Dagger, especially if TR is considered. And the finesse-incompatibility is another drawback.