I'm on Orien and I've noticed it takes a long time (granted I'm only on after like 7-8 pm Pacific, so this isn't prime time), to collect the 3k map pieces to open the cove. What's your experience on Wayfinder?
I'm on Orien and I've noticed it takes a long time (granted I'm only on after like 7-8 pm Pacific, so this isn't prime time), to collect the 3k map pieces to open the cove. What's your experience on Wayfinder?
Looks like the map piece requirement has been lowered for Wayfinder a lot.
Hopefully you guys will be able to get the runs you want in.
Dont join wayfinder, you will double their population and I dont think server can handle that.
This time around, it only takes 1000 map pieces to open the portal. So it's not too bad if there are several groups depositing map pieces.
Actually, the grog and coffee were fairly easy to come by so it was just about 2 hours of dedicated farming (Kobold Assault) to farm 1000 map pieces. i did it myself and opened the cove 5 times alone, so yes, on Wayfinder it was fairly easy to open.
The sad thing was that nobody seemed to beinterested in running the open cove then...