As a background I saw the High Rollers post for Sarlona....I am not proposing that OSD is doing the same thing but I thought I would post our raid schedule and crib notes (see below) - we are by no means uber EE steamrollers but we get by. We usually have a few pug spots each week for our raids and I am more than willing to provide, what I call, the verbose version of the raid if someone is new to the raid. So if you are interested try to PM me here or send a mail in game to my main during the week in advance of a raid night and I will do my best to hold you a spot (ie. if we fill from guild its a no go but that is rare).

Raid start times are 8:30pm PST for the first raid and approximately 9pm PST for the second.

ROTATION - New rotation starting May 5 - the goal is to mix one longer raid with one shorter raid

  • VON(30min)(eE for Part 6) - CITW (1hr) just eN - May 5, 2014
  • FOT (20min) eH - Deathwyrm eN (45min - 1hr?) May 12, 2014
  • Firepeaks(30min) - eN/eH(soon) - ADQ 1/2 eN/eE (45min - less if no pugging) May 19,2014 (then repeat cycle)

We haven't done Deathwyrm as a group yet so will probably take it slow the first time through.
Notes on raids(basically posted from our website)

VoN - we run both 5&6 - since you have no choice - normally 5 we do on eH for speed then 6 we do eE for better loot and since it's not that much harder. Have adamantine weapons(also helpful for all the WF in the quest) for the end boss of VoN5 - no elemental weapons on him. Fire resist/absorp is good in Von6.

ADQ - we always run ADQ1 and ADQ2 - Normally we will send the first group out to ADQ1` and I will take whatever else we have and pug out the rest of the spot while the remainders head out to start ADQ1. ADQ1 will always be run on eN for speed. Have Cold Iron and good weapons for Laliatt. ADQ1 puzzle can easily be found on DDOWIKI if you want to know how it goes but otherwise the first thing we do is post in party chat the order to do things in and then usually split up in to 2 or 3 groups to get it done extra fast.

FOT - always run on eH - kill the Stormreaver and the Truthful one at the same time. Basically just like the Dragons in Tor but this time we have 4 sets and the last 2 are purplename heftybags full of HP to beat down. Then the trick - called the boom - if you don't know ask....but basically if you aren't told to fight the Stormreaver DON'T. This is a good link to a more detailed description of the raid. - key gear - spell absorption, electrical absorption, good saves, bludgeon for TO(perfect is triple pos GS maul - second is mornlode maul).

CITW - the MOTU raid against the spider demon - usually run on eN - flagging requires all 10 quests in the Eveningstar, Underdark, Demonweb chains. The raid itself is actually fairly linear if you ignore the 'chaos' of the Demonweb by linear I mean there is a fairly straightforward path through the raid that you have to follow - there are some points where you can shortcut. Key points - through the first part - there will be various points where there are a bunch of mobs around and a few 'Mistress of Agonies' - the Mistresses can restock their hitpoints by sacrificing live mobs around them so kill all the live mobs first then the mistresses. One person will have to manage an NPC (Anna) if you are not this person don't click on her - if you do by accident don't click anything other than the option to leave her THEN tell the person who is supposed to be managing her that you did as they need to pick her up again. In the actual fights against Lloth her hit box is weird so on a melee you may have to move around a bit and make sure you are getting hits on her (watch your dice or combat log). At the end fight the critical thing is to kill the last portal keeper and rush Anna through a gate - there is a Necromancer that is usually held to last to kill as he spawns mobs when he dies so if he is last to die we are basically done. If that does happen you basically start the end fight over again. So in that fight watch your cleaves and AOE spells so that the portal keeper being held til last doesn't accidentally die in your 2000pt crit otilukes or some such. Also there is a chance just before the end to swap out to another character - therefore if you don't care about XP you can run on your best character and then swap to someone who actually needs the loot (common for clerics to do this as there is little from the raid for healers).

Firepeaks - New Raid - for now we are running on eN - probalby eH within a few weeks as people gear up for it - Min Level 26 and flagging is simple (just need to kill Daggan in the Thunderholme explorer area). The raid is a simple arena with a pillar in the middle. The pillar protects the twin bosses (one fat dragon and one skinny dragon) - the pillar is only vulnerable when the bosses use it to power themselves. The bosses need to be split to be damaged and once taken down to 70% they will draw on the pillar - at this point it is a waste of time to damage the dragons just clear trash till they trigger the pillar (then immediately beat down pillar). Once pillar blows bosses are reduced to 5% - then take em down one at a time. There are constant waves of trash (from south doorway) and a large magma elemental spawns around the 75% spot - that elemental needs to be taken down fast as he seems to trigger mob spawns that will get you to red alert. Last note - when the plillar blows it BLOWS - massive aoe damage so move back when it is slivered if you are a melee. Good gear - fire absorption, fire shield (scroll or pot), calomel or thunderholme weapons for dragons - undead spawns (so undead beaters), elemental spawns (so banes/banishers are good) - one person should have a blasting chime (to speed the pillar beatdown).

Deathwyrm - haven't run this one yet but we will get some in before it hits the schedule so we can give some guidance - otherwise hit the DDO forum/DDOWIKI for some preliminary prep.

ROTATION - see first line

Other Notes:
If people in the quild want to invite friends from other guilds to our raid night feel free to do so as we are rarely full - but we will fill from guild first - guild friends second and then random pugs.

If you aren't familiar with the raids let me know when we start and I will give a more detailed description as we run through and you should probably stay close to me in the quest - otherwise I will give a shortened version of my instructions etc..I would also suggest reading up on the DDOWIKI site so you have a better understanding of what will happen overall.