Hi, I live in Europe and just started playing on Cannith. (not interested in changing servers)
I am a former HC raider from WoW, and switched to DDO for a more... relaxed game play experience. Raiding was taking too much of my real life so here I am and enjoying it.
I play during the evening times of Europe (so ~7 hours ahead of East Coast time).
I am looking for a guild to just hang out in, and perhaps run some EH/EE content sometimes. - guild that has vent/ts/mumble etc that people just hang out on even when not doing events is a plus.
Mature guild that still has a sense of humor. guilds that are 18+ only is a plus.
(Such as if this joke was told, no one would be offended - "How do you tell which loves you more, your dog or your wife? lock them in the trunk of your car for an hour - who's happy to see you when you open it?" - I do not propose the abuse of wife or animals. However this joke uses that medium for its effect, if this semi kind of off-humor is deemed inappropriate for guild chat, than we would not be a good match.)
Having people on and active during these 'odd' hours is a must for me, you can be the best most social guild that has leveling runs as well as EE runs - but if that ONLY happens in the evenings of EST then I would not be interested sadly
feel free to hit me up with a PM, reply to this post, or send me a tell ingame to: finnmaccool
Thanks for you time in reading this post and considering me.