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Thread: Merge Servers

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Wayfinder is like a small town. Most of us that call it home like it the way it is. Sure, our population is less than the "big city" servers, but that is not the main reason for the lack of LFM's. Our first communication for grouping is guild or channel. Like a small town, most of us know each other (by character name, at least).
    Logged in yesterday to do maybe a quest with my level 12 guy. There was, according to the Who's list, 1 level 13, 1 level 12(me), 0 level 11, 1 level 10 and 3 level 9s. When my friends were playing, I didn't mind it, now that they left I don't like it.

    I don't know why you would enjoy such emptiness on the server, Tscheuss, but that's your thing. I can only imagine that more people leave Wayfinder for good, than leave their other servers to join Wayfinder.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Hendrik, Memnir, Trinity are wrong!
    Merging Servers may very well not be the cure but we're well past the point where the Devs should be considering this.
    I disagree, but then again developers have little say in merges. That is not their job to decide when. That is the producer's job. Developers, if they bother to read such threads, will see this, shrug, and get back to working their assigned task.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Cannith's now the most Populated server but as has been shown by DDOracle G-Land has dropped off precipitously.
    Yeah, I saw that before the thread locked. G was really out of wack compared to every other server. That looked more like to me that G land had a LOT of mulit boxers vs. multi players. Oracle can at best only show different accounts, not actual players.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varthalos View Post
    So many of these server merger posts have come and gone over the years it's actual becoming quite comical. In my mind it's very simple, servers need to be merged they have needed this for years. Any counter arguments I've heard pail in comparison to the potential good for the game, yet still nothing is done about it.

    oh and ps fix the lag.
    The counter argument is that most "dead servers" and people who don't have others to play with are caused by an unfriendly, elitist jerk environment. It was great while they had their other elitist friends, but now that those people have left the game, no one wants to play with them, and in some cases wants to play on their server. If you then throw these people on another server, the cycle will continue, and they'll just kill that server.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    I disagree, but then again developers have little say in merges. That is not their job to decide when. That is the producer's job. Developers, if they bother to read such threads, will see this, shrug, and get back to working their assigned task.

    Yeah, I saw that before the thread locked. G was really out of wack compared to every other server. That looked more like to me that G land had a LOT of mulit boxers vs. multi players. Oracle can at best only show different accounts, not actual players.
    GLand WAS the first server listed to new players. Cannith now is. I wasn't sure before what was causing GLand's spike, but it's pretty obvious that that's the reason. The majority of new players are now going to Cannith, when they were going to GLand.

    Probably not the best place to send new players, seeing as Cannith is notoriously toxic but whatever. Before they switched them, I had two people from Cannith doing a favor run through the harbor in my group on Ghallanda. We obviously had new players in the group who would die, and the two Cannith people went on an epic tirade about how everyone on Cannith is multi Trs and never die and blah blah blah. I was thinking, yeah, because you chase away all new players from your server, which is probably part of the reason your server is dying.

    Those players are probably having a stroke right now as Turbine sends new players to Cannith.

  5. #105
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
    GLand WAS the first server listed to new players. Cannith now is. I wasn't sure before what was causing GLand's spike, but it's pretty obvious that that's the reason. The majority of new players are now going to Cannith, when they were going to GLand.

    Probably not the best place to send new players, seeing as Cannith is notoriously toxic but whatever. Before they switched them, I had two people from Cannith doing a favor run through the harbor in my group on Ghallanda. We obviously had new players in the group who would die, and the two Cannith people went on an epic tirade about how everyone on Cannith is multi Trs and never die and blah blah blah. I was thinking, yeah, because you chase away all new players from your server, which is probably part of the reason your server is dying.

    Those players are probably having a stroke right now as Turbine sends new players to Cannith.
    Y'all know my feelings about elitism and toxic players.

    Yet for the past 4 years Cannith has remained my home!

    I've played on EVERY Server!

    And I've found Thelanis, Orien, Khyber, Argo, G-Land, Sarlona and yes even Wayfinder to have Those people too!

    Maybe Cannith being my first Server has insulated it a bit but I've actually found Argo, Orien and Thelanis to be significantly worse pre level 10 though Argo gets much better later on.

    Sarlona has a tiny daytime population {Not counting the Chinese as they tend to stick to their own Guilds and Channels in the main.}

    Khyber seems to have mellowed over the past couple of years though we all have seen the evidence from previous.

    And G-Land has always been known as the Friendly Server yet I've found it to be not that different to any of the others in the main - It has it's Jerks too!

    Anyway if Cannith is given as much time as G-Land was as the Default Server {something I don't believe will happen as G-Land had it for so long} we'd be able to see if Cannith held on to it's population better or worse than G-Land.
    However for now we just have to guess!
    Oh and G-Land had a Higher Population than Cannith beforehand too!

    Attacking Cannith isn't going to help and Cannith was apart from Orien and Wayfinder the least populated of the Servers making it a good choice for Default.
    Orien if the Devs have any sense should be next!

    Oh and to the people getting Pedantic over the use of the word Devs - When using said word in the context it;s been used in this {and other} threads you can be assured that it is a catch all term which includes Producers and any other titles {It seems that 90% of the people on these servers use the word Devs even for Cordovan and Tolero who as far as I know have never been developers, producers etc.}.

  6. #106
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cathimon View Post
    Logged in yesterday to do maybe a quest with my level 12 guy. There was, according to the Who's list, 1 level 13, 1 level 12(me), 0 level 11, 1 level 10 and 3 level 9s. When my friends were playing, I didn't mind it, now that they left I don't like it.

    I don't know why you would enjoy such emptiness on the server, Tscheuss, but that's your thing. I can only imagine that more people leave Wayfinder for good, than leave their other servers to join Wayfinder.
    Yep I'm always amazed when Tscheuss makes this statement {in seemingly every server merge thread he/she can find!} about wanting Wayfinder to remain a wasteland!

    Either Tscheuss has a solid core of people he/she can run with {and God help him/her when those people leave the game!}
    He/She is incredibly anti-social
    A Troll!
    {I'm actually guessing at the first option}

    I joined the /joinchannel Wayfinder when it was first advertised on these forums and I log into Wayfinder regularly {if only to roll Gold/Silver Dice} yet I've never seen more than 3 people in said channel!
    And yes I've logged in at all different times of the day over the past 18 months or however long Wayfinder's been around now!

    Heck even when the Bridge Protest was going on I had that Channel open and there was like one person in it other than me!

  7. #107
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Default Time

    They have merged servers, I believe twice before?
    AND they have also ADDED servers after the fact.

    I feel that the population seems to have gone down enough on ARGONESSEN that it is probably time for a merge.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  8. #108
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    Default to everyone, i like wayfinder

    Quote Originally Posted by darkly_dreaming View Post
    Must be that time of the week again.
    you mean month, don't you?

    about the op,
    on a server, (not know which one), someone in a group sent out a guild invite, i replied, was sent a invite to join.
    (i click to join without reading the invite), instead it was for joining a group, instantly someone else in group say"s "great, another rogue".

    needless to say i voiced my displeasure for the wrong invite, and just exited the game.


    i totally buffed one char. on each server, with almost everything .
    (easyer to list what i didn't buy from ddo store),

    +5 tomes, passport, last two expansions, the halfs-char. and equipment!

    i figure if they do merge, they need to refund my money for 24,000 TP for each char. that has been merged...
    if you all do not like what i say, and start flaming me!!!

    THE I REST MY CASE ABOUT GROUPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #109
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    Default one reason why they want a merge!

    my belief is some of the people want to transfer there items to other char.'s on other servers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #110
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjgoddard View Post
    you mean month, don't you?

    about the op,
    on a server, (not know which one), someone in a group sent out a guild invite, i replied, was sent a invite to join.
    (i click to join without reading the invite), instead it was for joining a group, instantly someone else in group say"s "great, another rogue".

    needless to say i voiced my displeasure for the wrong invite, and just exited the game.


    i totally buffed one char. on each server, with almost everything .
    (easyer to list what i didn't buy from ddo store),

    +5 tomes, passport, last two expansions, the halfs-char. and equipment!

    i figure if they do merge, they need to refund my money for 24,000 TP for each char. that has been merged...
    if you all do not like what i say, and start flaming me!!!

    THE I REST MY CASE ABOUT GROUPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You may like Wayfinder, but however much you play this game you are not entitled to a private server. As pop continues to dwindle that is what it may become.
    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak

  11. #111
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjgoddard View Post
    you mean month, don't you?

    about the op,
    on a server, (not know which one), someone in a group sent out a guild invite, i replied, was sent a invite to join.
    (i click to join without reading the invite), instead it was for joining a group, instantly someone else in group say"s "great, another rogue".

    needless to say i voiced my displeasure for the wrong invite, and just exited the game.


    i totally buffed one char. on each server, with almost everything .
    (easyer to list what i didn't buy from ddo store),

    +5 tomes, passport, last two expansions, the halfs-char. and equipment!

    i figure if they do merge, they need to refund my money for 24,000 TP for each char. that has been merged...
    if you all do not like what i say, and start flaming me!!!

    THE I REST MY CASE ABOUT GROUPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  12. #112
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    I'm curious as to how long the "all is well" crowd will continue to pretend that the population in DDO isn't plummeting.

    When you open the "who" list and only see 6 people at your same level playing, no amount of posting your own LFM is going to help.

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