Really the title says it all. There is a shrinking player base and there are far too many servers. By consolidating the servers the game becomes more active and attractive to new players, old players and returning players.
Ok, have at it.
Really the title says it all. There is a shrinking player base and there are far too many servers. By consolidating the servers the game becomes more active and attractive to new players, old players and returning players.
Ok, have at it.
Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
Completionist / Epic Completionist - 15 Druid / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Sorcerer
Triple past lives Sorcerer/Wizard/Cleric/Favored Soul/Druid/Morninglord
Other Main Capped Characters
Krestal Sorcerer Azlix Cleric Talonaise Rogue Assassin
Soon enough you'll have at least a few players who will agree with you and a pile more coming up with all manner of reasons why it's a bad idea. My opinion is more players gathered up together is a good thing. This game isn't big enough to support as many servers as it has, especially Wayfinder. Merging servers could be seen as bad PR and a sign the game is dying, but Turbine has been pretty good at providing it's own bad PR so this shouldn't be a reason for them not to go ahead and merge. They really have a hard idea seeing terrible ideas coming from within.
This is one of the great MMO's but suffers from some very poor decisions made at the management and marketing levels. A server merge is most certainly coming at some point. I just hope they handle the situation well.
Last edited by redspecter23; 05-04-2014 at 02:47 PM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
I agree with Juan. .Previous posters have made all the same points I would have. It is past time for this. Merge!
Last edited by Shmuel; 05-04-2014 at 04:06 PM.
Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak
1. Turbine does not have server hardware of their own. It is rented. Aka they are bound by contracts.
2. Merging servers costs Turbine monies because they they have to merge databases of characters
3. Merging also means players are going to LOSE their names. This does and will cause loss of players.
There is a LOT more than just going "merge the servers" to make it happen AND make it cost effective to do so.
When it is economical to do so, expect them to do so and not before.
New players coming on low population server will leave if they cant find other people to play with.
Players will just get a -1 to their name, I would like that for my name.
Old players stuck on low population server are going to leave due to having nobody to play with.
My solution, dont have to merge server, give everyone on wayfinder a free transfer, they can choose where to go, then after a month or two, close down the server, can do with some other servers too.
They have merged servers before -- WAY back when, Maybar got merged with Argo - and maybe a couple others. Yes some people got their names with numbers. We adjusted, not a big deal. It was based on who had the name first got it unmodified. I do realize it will cost money, however, as pointed out by others, having a low player base is costing them money.
oh, and don't call me Juan!
Last edited by Talonaise; 05-04-2014 at 05:23 PM.
Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
Completionist / Epic Completionist - 15 Druid / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Sorcerer
Triple past lives Sorcerer/Wizard/Cleric/Favored Soul/Druid/Morninglord
Other Main Capped Characters
Krestal Sorcerer Azlix Cleric Talonaise Rogue Assassin
i spent money on one char. on each server...
(bag, slots, etc.). it would **** me off that i wasted my money again,
(again, when you needed larger augment bags, as a example),
if they (trubine) combine all my char's onto one server...
there constantly changing things, has caused me to stop playing the game, untill there is some stability, (like changing Baudry Cartamon quest)
my stance on the subject!!!!!
If you really care that much, then pay the fee or just start over on another server thats more populated than your's. It's really pretty simple. Theres several ways this can be completed. Pay the fee and move your character or character's. Start new character's on a more populated server.
The best long term solution in my opinion is to start a list of people interested and have someone manage it. Then get a plan and figure out what server to get everyone to move to and then move or start over. This is one topic that's really in the player's hand's.
I do realize there are those who have spent a significant amount of time and money on their character's but you must realize those that haven't have probably already moved on if your individual server is so dead. Alot of people have characters on multiple servers already.
The decision is already in your hand's will you stay here/there to complain or will you take the initiative and do something about it?
And yes turbine did merger the servers years ago, fernia with ghallanda and so on. The only servers that werent merged were Orien and Wayfinder as they didn't exist back then.
Yes, we could all move, but what are the chances you would get everyone from your play circle to move? And what if some can't afford it? Having played this game since it started I know a lot of people on this server and I have a lot of toons. Last I checked (and granted this was a while ago) changing servers was paid for by character. This solution does not seem that practical. The fact is, what does it HURT to merge servers? And why should we pay to get a population that is viable. While argo is not dead, it is not at the play level it used to be. I play end game and I have a group of people we play with, but it would be nice to have some new faces in the mix.
Also many are assuming (incorrectly I might add) that I meant merge them all into one. I meant combining them to create a smaller number of larger player base servers. As you confirmed it has been done before, and the world did not end.
Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
Completionist / Epic Completionist - 15 Druid / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Sorcerer
Triple past lives Sorcerer/Wizard/Cleric/Favored Soul/Druid/Morninglord
Other Main Capped Characters
Krestal Sorcerer Azlix Cleric Talonaise Rogue Assassin
I am loathe to agree with the calls to merge, but i really think its time for some. Also I wanted to highlight the point in bold above which is well made. But right now the game is underpopulated and you will not retain any new players while its like that because DDO isn't and shouldn't become a game that is too solo friendly, particularly into double digit levels. And that means it needs a critical mass of players who can access each other in order to play it properly and experience it properly - which is the only way to find out how great it really is, and want to stick around.
Personally, i think it's time for a bit of drastic action, and server merge is just the first step:
1. Server merge.
2. Serious review of pricing and bundling, particularly of things like the expansions (which were a really bad idea in general in terms of keeping the player base together - they're just too expensive for a new player who thinks they're getting a free game and finds out all the play is happening in FR at Epic levels and they have to pay to get the expansion never mind any adventure packs they might need to level up to it!) and adventure packs. Rebalance is needed if you want to attract new folk. I already have all the packs so this isn't a personal grab - I really just think they're too expensive now, and you need players in. Time for a general price cut across the board I would say if you want to compete with your 8 year old game in the F2P market now. Really.
3. Then a concerted marketing campaign, aimed at low hanging fruit: Don't outsource this or give it to Marketing Dept proper, get the community reps getting something going in places like the Giant in the Playground forums. Get word out that it's worth trying again, that it's had a price drop, that its a real challenge with crunchy character advancement not some namby pamby lowest common denominator button masher. That is attractive to your core audience - look at DnD Next. Even Hasbro seem to finally get it. Play to that.
Don't get me wrong - I don't think the game is dying, not properly, not yet. But I think unless action is taken early to head it off, it will be, and I think we're nearing the point where it will become too late to sail against the tide. So yes to server merge. But yes to some other stuff too.
Last edited by dunklezhan; 05-04-2014 at 06:45 PM.
There are only two choices to increase the numbers of players on a server.
1) Merge with another server/servers.
2) Bring in and retain new players.
Since #2 is basically not going to happen anytime soon with no promotion or marketing, I'd say we really only have one obvious choice.
Yes to server merge
I've yet to see a sound argument against this motion that isn't balanced by a benefit of the merger.
I think this will be the third or fourth (maybe fifth?) "Merge the servers" post I've replied to with the same reply.
Say I have 9 out of 15 characters on Argo and 12 out of 15 on Cannith and they decide to merge Cannith and Argo. After the merger, do I have 21 characters out of 30 character slots? Or am I stuck with 21 characters out of 15 character slots, being unable to play 6 of my characters until I buy 6 more slots? If it was the 21/30 option I'd sign on the "merge the server" band wagon in a heartbeat. Otherwise....
This question has yet to be addressed.
On a side note, they should sticky one of the multitude of "merge the server" posts. Then everyone can just post there instead of opening up a new one every 5 to 7 days. Or, more to the point, the mods could close down new posts asap.
The most probable situation is that you end up with 15 slots and 21 characters. What Turbine could do is just give you the 30 slots when they merge. They won't... but they could in order to save people from running into this situation. Like I mentioned, Turbine is really, really bad when it comes to things like this. There is an easy way to make it work, but they would likely go with the way that angers the greatest number of players somehow without examining all the edge cases. There probably aren't a whole lot of people that happen to have usable characters on multiple servers and less than enough slots after a merge, but it's something they should consider when they merge.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen