kokaisa dc caster. .agrippe ranged. farim-1 monk. meatmountain full hate tank.boltergaist arti(retired pileon)
RENOWNED in thelanis
This is a tip for people uploading video to YouTube. I use this fantastic program called HandBrake, you select a sorce (your video) and a location (folder and file name for your new video), then press start and it reduces your video size by about 3/4. Example, one video I uploaded was 5.57GB before HandBrake and 1.69GB after. Here is a link to the downloads.
Undermine Zerger
This quest has become the modern day Devils Assault, at least for me anyway. I always used to take new builds in to DA to rate their preformance. I enjoy these arena style quests with loads of mobs and non-stop action.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVn...wLuzB2Q/videos
WGU: 25:05
I had a recording error for the first part, so it separated the video files. I can post the first part if needed, but its just a boring run up anyway.
Back from some wonderful holiday in Vienna.
But I Needed some DDO
First attempt got joy and I went for the completion... even if I was on my ass a few times and had to deal with the rare optional LOL
New build is 17 Fvs 2 Monk 1 Wizard. Thanks for my guildies in aLiclan that are always nice and helpful when it comes to run stuff for gear or favors.
Video is uploading... but youtube is a pain... when I try to upload a video there it absorbs all my internet connection and I can't use anything till it's finished... anyone knows why?
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
More random findings:
The West Wind's Mistress
Legion | Thelanis
Nothing too interesting, but finally got back to 20 after taking a short break from DDO in the middle of this life. Skip 2mins if you don't wanna sit thru buffs and me passing blur to all the npc drow :P
Thanks man, it worked really well through heroics - though I don't think that says much, haha. It's meant mostly as an arti past life build (hence the 9 lvls), but also to be able to play to and at cap if I felt like it. Never had trap skills on my main before so that was sweet. Wand and scroll mastery is nice combined with full racial heal amp, a heal stick, two heal amp ship buffs (they stack even though it says they don't). Uh, what else... lever dog, armor of speed, couple weapon buffs. Also I was trying to use the turrets to insta-agrro the mobs, which they usually do, but I guess there's too many npc drow in last stand for that to work. Posted a feat list, ED sheet, and some stuff here if you wanna check it out. In LD I took headman's just for switching to antique even though it un-centers lol, and volcano's edge which is "meh", just because there was nothing else I needed, better off taking con. And in the enhancements I could probably get rid of some of the skills stuff I took in the human tree. I dunno, was just something a little different to play for fun.
Figured i would post it here as well as youtube. Was a fun run with a sorcerer project i am working on. I did it with no pots was not exactly a speed run ^.^
- Sorul - Sakami - Adenai - Witmix - Oyashi - Lefie/Refie
Yeah doing EE Mirror darkly is always challenging, on a non bladeforged caster it takes even more skills.
I loved sestra performances with his blitzer monk beating cetus bladeforged for that reason