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  1. #1
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Default Getafix AA Druid (17 Druid 2 Monk 1 Ranger)

    I am doing 3 Sorcerer past lives for this build right now, just finishing the first hopefully all done before update 22!

    I have played the same level split as strength based human then a mix of wisdom and strength helf AA build and now it is time for a wisdom based helf AA.

    Half Elf 17 Druid 2 Monk 1 Ranger


    M Precision
    M Zen Archery
    Point Blank Shot
    Rapid Shot
    Adept of Forms
    IC ranged
    Master of Forms
    Combat Archery
    Empower Heal (optional might take greater evocation, heighten, ruin or wiz past life here)

    Still thinking about ED feats!

    Stats (36 pt)

    STR 14
    DEX 15 (1 level up here for CA)
    CON 14
    INT 8
    WIS 18 (level ups here)
    CHA 8

    Have thought about taking 17 in wisdom, 14 dexterity (would need 2 level ups here then for CA) and 13 in charisma for pally dilly and energy burst...


    Helf to open AA
    AA tree maxed
    Rest in SH and a few cores

    The build will be played in water stance when casting then earth when manyshot is off timer.

    ED Fury or Shiradi
    Twists: Sound Burst - A Dance of Flowers - Magister +3 evocation DC


    2 Thunder-Forged Long bows 1 for dps and 1 for casting (as these bows have great base dmg and sometimes you just do not have time to change weapons, a bow as a caster stick is just awesome for this build +7 dc and lots of slots)


    Armor: Shadowscale Armor
    Goggles: EE Shadowsight
    Helm: Dragon Masque
    Neck: Necklace of Mystic Eidolons
    Trinket: Litany + a lot of swaps
    Cloak: Jeweled Cloak (suggestions, have a plis for those situations)
    Belt: Battlerager's Harness (need to know if the DS is only for melee)
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Immortality
    Boots: stat + seeker
    Ring: Lantern Ring
    Ring: Guardian's Ring
    Bracers: Convalescent of Superior Parrying (they are only 20% amp but they have a slot. Thinking about the new bracers also would open a ring slot but loose +4 to all saves which this build just can not afford but the amp is something that can go)

    Help me refine this pls nothing is set in stone

    Earthquake DC:

    18 wisdom
    + 11 item
    + 3 ins
    + 1 globe
    + 1 litany
    + 7 level ups
    + 3 water stance
    + 2 ship
    + 2 yugo
    + 5 tome
    + 2 AA tree
    + 1 season's herald
    + 1 h-elf
    +6 shiradi

    = 62 wisdom

    26 mod
    10 base
    8 spell level
    3 sorc past lives
    1 feat
    3 twist
    2 augment
    6 thunderforged bow
    1 thunderforged bow
    1 shadow scale

    = 61 evocation dc

    can go up to 75 with mantle and solid fog.
    Last edited by Sokól; 05-02-2014 at 10:40 AM.
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Evocation seems like an afterthought to the build when you ignored 10k stars.

  3. #3
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandelia View Post
    Evocation seems like an afterthought to the build when you ignored 10k stars.
    10k Stars requires 6 monk levels . . . that would be an entirely different type of build. This one gets 9th level spells and isn't too far behind a pure druid in terms of DC.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Should really get IPS with such a big focus on archery, either for Furyshot or more CC in Shiradi.
    You can almost always get 2, 3 or more mobs in line, it's certainly bigger damage increase/CC effectiveness than all those ranged feats together

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  5. #5
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Should really get IPS with such a big focus on archery, either for Furyshot or more CC in Shiradi.
    You can almost always get 2, 3 or more mobs in line, it's certainly bigger damage increase/CC effectiveness than all those ranged feats together
    would love to have ips but sadly you can not have everything esp if you are going for good earthquake
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Should really get IPS with such a big focus on archery, either for Furyshot or more CC in Shiradi.
    That was my first thought too, but OP only has 2 or 3 meta feats as it is (Quik / SF:Evo / possibly Emp Heal); if anything, I'd drop Adept/Master of Forms to add a couple more magic feats (Maximize & Ruin, perhaps) - just use Ocean stance for +WIS, saves, and Dodge.

    I had also considered suggesting DEX-based elf druid 18 / monk 2 w/elven Grace to make it a little less MAD (and in the hopes of getting SoV SLA), but I think that spreads APs too thin: 19 APs in elf to unlock Grace + AA tree; at least 32 APs in AA for Slaying Arrow; that leaves only 29 APs, which isn't enough for SH lvl 18 core.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    That was my first thought too, but OP only has 2 or 3 meta feats as it is (Quik / SF:Evo / possibly Emp Heal); if anything, I'd drop Adept/Master of Forms to add a couple more magic feats (Maximize & Ruin, perhaps) - just use Ocean stance for +WIS, saves, and Dodge.
    That would corner you to shiradi mostly, I very seldom solo and in my groups ips is often wasted. Ruin and Maximize just cost to much mana and ruin really shines with maximize and empower on a sorc, fvs or a wiz.

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I had also considered suggesting DEX-based elf druid 18 / monk 2 w/elven Grace to make it a little less MAD (and in the hopes of getting SoV SLA), but I think that spreads APs too thin: 19 APs in elf to unlock Grace + AA tree; at least 32 APs in AA for Slaying Arrow; that leaves only 29 APs, which isn't enough for SH lvl 18 core.
    The ranger level costs 2 feats. I have thought about a dex based elf but have not done the math because I do not like the way elves look
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  8. #8
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    I currently play a 17/2/1 druid/rogue/wizard cc druid and have been playing it for 3 months now. I only have one sorc past life for the build. Some things Ive learned:
    I can effectively cc almost any ee mob with a 53 earthquake dc. Something I didnt see in your twists was magister arcane augmentation which shreds mob's reflexs by 10 and if you are running mantle that's an extra 14 on your dc. The arcane twist is a must if you plan for ee cc. The only mobs Ive ever seen save are the shadar-kai assassins and the concord rogues from GH. I was able to effectively get my earthquake dc up 80 and the shadar-kai were still saving most of the time. There really is no need to have a dc above 53. I have tested a 53 dc on the new level 30 ee raids and had no trouble cc'ing. If you still plan to run with a 62 wisdom you can probably drop the evo focus feat and maybe even the twist for +3 dc from magister. Ill post more later. GL on the build.

  9. #9
    2015 DDO Players Council Sebastrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    I currently play a 17/2/1 druid/rogue/wizard cc druid and have been playing it for 3 months now. I only have one sorc past life for the build. Some things Ive learned:
    I can effectively cc almost any ee mob with a 53 earthquake dc. Something I didnt see in your twists was magister arcane augmentation which shreds mob's reflexs by 10 and if you are running mantle that's an extra 14 on your dc. The arcane twist is a must if you plan for ee cc. The only mobs Ive ever seen save are the shadar-kai assassins and the concord rogues from GH. I was able to effectively get my earthquake dc up 80 and the shadar-kai were still saving most of the time. There really is no need to have a dc above 53. I have tested a 53 dc on the new level 30 ee raids and had no trouble cc'ing. If you still plan to run with a 62 wisdom you can probably drop the evo focus feat and maybe even the twist for +3 dc from magister. Ill post more later. GL on the build.
    Would you mind posting your build?
    Astreya the Unturning

    It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    I currently play a 17/2/1 druid/rogue/wizard cc druid and have been playing it for 3 months now. I only have one sorc past life for the build. Some things Ive learned:
    I can effectively cc almost any ee mob with a 53 earthquake dc. Something I didnt see in your twists was magister arcane augmentation which shreds mob's reflexs by 10 and if you are running mantle that's an extra 14 on your dc. The arcane twist is a must if you plan for ee cc. The only mobs Ive ever seen save are the shadar-kai assassins and the concord rogues from GH. I was able to effectively get my earthquake dc up 80 and the shadar-kai were still saving most of the time. There really is no need to have a dc above 53. I have tested a 53 dc on the new level 30 ee raids and had no trouble cc'ing. If you still plan to run with a 62 wisdom you can probably drop the evo focus feat and maybe even the twist for +3 dc from magister. Ill post more later. GL on the build.
    This, I play a hybrid with 54 and I can confirm everything but those shadar-kai fall down. It works because earthquake is a multiproc spell and procs the shaken debuff from the seaons herald tree and the evocation augmentation for -10 reflex. Must be considered an acid spell. That is -12 and its huge makes extra feats for evocation very very questionable.

    Also, can switch to water elemental for an additional 4 with one icestorm.

  11. #11
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rush007 View Post
    This, I play a hybrid with 54 and I can confirm everything but those shadar-kai fall down. It works because earthquake is a multiproc spell and procs the shaken debuff from the seaons herald tree and the evocation augmentation for -10 reflex. Must be considered an acid spell. That is -12 and its huge makes extra feats for evocation very very questionable.

    Also, can switch to water elemental for an additional 4 with one icestorm.
    I guess they just take longer to fall down then other mobs. The other thing about earthquake is they stack on each other. For those pesky high save mobs you stack a 3-5 earthquakes which forces mobs to roll for each earthquake. You could probably get away with lower then a 53.

  12. #12
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    +1 for the asterix reference. I don't care about the build
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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  13. #13
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    I currently play a 17/2/1 druid/rogue/wizard cc druid and have been playing it for 3 months now. I only have one sorc past life for the build. Some things Ive learned:
    I can effectively cc almost any ee mob with a 53 earthquake dc. Something I didnt see in your twists was magister arcane augmentation which shreds mob's reflexs by 10 and if you are running mantle that's an extra 14 on your dc. The arcane twist is a must if you plan for ee cc. The only mobs Ive ever seen save are the shadar-kai assassins and the concord rogues from GH. I was able to effectively get my earthquake dc up 80 and the shadar-kai were still saving most of the time. There really is no need to have a dc above 53. I have tested a 53 dc on the new level 30 ee raids and had no trouble cc'ing. If you still plan to run with a 62 wisdom you can probably drop the evo focus feat and maybe even the twist for +3 dc from magister. Ill post more later. GL on the build.
    The magister arcane augmentation is really nice in quests like ee wgu, still have to test the sound burst SLA to see if it is worth it and you are right about the 53 dc my last druid life had around 45 dc but still did an amazing job in most ee quests.

    I will at least start with maxing wisdom then I might respec a little at 28 also want to get this guy to epic completionist for that extra twist, if I am dropping some wisdom in the end it will be for energy burst and more cha and pally dilly.
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

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