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Thread: Be at Peace?

  1. #1
    Community Member mkmcgw17's Avatar
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    Default Be at Peace?

    I redid my epic avenging angel tree and took the ability be at peace and when i hit finished it did not show that i took it. So i did it again same result. !00000pp poorer. Also I'm receiving biased treatment by the gm's on Orien. I can be spat on swore at ripped off and when I report it nothing happens. If I say anything remotely resembling a swear word, and I am very careful in what I say, I am immediately suspended for long periods of time. I protect new players from the meaner of the older players the ones who ridicule new players and make them quit and in doing so I've reported alot of people and I believe this is the primary reason I am being singled out and treated unfairly by some of the gms on Orien. Please note I made no mention of any ban or anything of that nature. I'm going to start watching the watchers. I'm pretty sure that's not a COC violation please correct me if I am wrong. O and be at peace doesn't work. Current US Dollars spent on DDO--$750 approximately. More than a VIP who played the same amount of time I have. I feel I am entitled to be held to the same standards as any other player and I am not and I have proof of it. Thanks for your time. DDO player since 2009.
    Last edited by mkmcgw17; 05-01-2014 at 10:34 PM.
    Theleb Karna

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    To the ED issue (I won't even touch the rest in that post)

    A couple things I found when dealing with ED related abilities

    1. Reset (Which you have already tried and still did not work)
    2. Change Active ED then Revert Back to Exalted Angel
    3. Change Active ED - Logout and then log back in and change to Exalted Angel

  3. 05-01-2014, 10:40 PM

  4. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    If you actually have a complaint regarding GM behaviour, I suggest you PM one of the moderators, who can likely point you to the right place to report the issue. I believe that in-game moderation (as opposed to on the forums) is out of their jurisdiction, but they should be able to pass you to the people who can investigate.

    Don't talk about specifics on the forums though: I'm fairly sure its against the terms.

    (Bear in mind though, that the in-game GMs will generally only take action against someone after receiving a report from a player and checking the logs. If you keep on being suspended, then not only are you doing things that likely warrant suspension, but another actual player is reporting you for them.)

  5. 05-02-2014, 12:04 AM

  6. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkmcgw17 View Post
    Cool thanks for the advice. Honestly I'm not to bent out of shape I my fifteen vip guildies and my dozen or so vip real life friends will cancel everything and play neverwinter if this kind of behavior continues. I'll vote with my dollar and so will my friends. Again good advice though I might do that but I may just walk. That'll teach me to stick up for a new player being abused.
    If you see any player being actually abused with language against the terms, report it (possibly after checking with them that its not just banter between two friends.) Just talk to the supposed victim and if needs be tell them about the ignore and report functions so that they can use them themselves.

    Trying to respond directly to the abuser, in a way that breaks the terms yourself, simply hands them two additional victories.

    Claiming that you will drag all your friends off the game in the hope of threatening financial damage if your issues are not addressed however, isn't going to get you a whole lot of sympathy among the players or probably Turbine staff. Not just because people don't tend to react well to attempts at blackmail, but also because it doesn't seem like the act of someone who is merely a blameless victim, and so throws doubt on your earlier claims.

  7. 05-02-2014, 05:54 AM

  8. #5
    Community Member
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    I perhaps should have emphasised the bit about breaking the terms yourself. I applaud sticking up for the new players. Thankfully that sort of situation hasn't come up on the servers I've been playing on recently.
    However, you should be able to do so perfectly well in a fashion that does not break any of the terms, and that a GM cannot justify suspending you to his supervisor for.

    Thats what I meant about handing the abusive people two victories: they see that they have succeeded in provoking an emotional response, and they have maneuvered an opponent into a position where they can be hurt by the support systems of the game itself, which are meant to be there for the protection of normal players.

    The rest was just a warning about how part of your post was not supporting the rest of it. Emphasising how you will take a couple dozen people with you, who all happen to be subscription-payers if you decide to leave was sending a rather mixed message. Not the least because people will wonder how you will get all your guildies to stop playing DDO.

    I'd strongly suggest you get this issue sorted out though. Since its all verifiable there shouldn't be too much too it. (Although quite how long the internal process will take is anybody's guess.) If nothing else it means that the next person coming along on't have to face the same issue.

  9. 05-02-2014, 09:26 AM

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