I did a little math and...

Those single weapon fighting feats are REALLY underwhelming.

I mean... untill you hit later epic and endgame, there are far behind TWF and THF (yet, they require 3 feats as well), and when you hit thunderforged, then its actually even WORSE. Much dmg on Thunderforged comes from procs and "on attack" dmg - which kicks TWF far ahead of SWF and THF is, ofc, ahead against masses, as it should be.

Right now, it looks like 3 feats that were made exclusively for feat starved bards. And quite sadly, it seems that you can either feat starve yourself to death and be a much less effective fighter with some bard mojo and evasion (mind: MUCH LESS EFFECTIVE) and without tactics, or you will have to splash said fighter for feats and loose evasion. Or splash fighter and rogue and loose last two cores.

I mean.. the swashbuckler tree starts to look promising and fun, but it is in fact a big trap, because you simply cant make an effective meele bard with only 7 feats.

Not unless you gimp everything else you could do.

And for nonbards, that SWF is just awfull.

SWF in this form should be autogranted for everyone and activates on its own everytime you will hold just one weapon in your hand and nothing in the other. The current version is THAT weak.