FYI, I TR'd my FvS/Monk into this. Currently up to level 13. It works great. I've been using two tiefling assassin blades (one with +devotion). I considered breaking down my min2 scimitars to make min2 shortswords, but couldn't stomach the cost of the dopant. So I plan to stick with the assassin blades till thunder forged items. I also have a sireth and heart in my pocket in case I want to switch from SS to staff later. I optimised your build's level-up order to make it more fun to play on the way to 20.
Lawful Good 30-pt Drow
14 Strength +5 level ups
16 Dexterity
12 Constitution
8 Wisdom
12 Intelligence
18 Charisma +2 level ups
... with +4 tomes to all stats
Since the level-up skill order matters, here's my formatting of it (divide umd by 2):
con spl hea umd bal tum jmp
1 Mo 5 4 1 2 4 4 1 1 PA, Cl acid staff
2 Fa 3 5 vulkoor shadowstar
3 Mo 5 6 5 6 TWF,emp
4 Fa 3 3 6 2x tiefling
5 Fa 3 6 DR/5, voice
6 Mo 5 8 6 8 GC, light
7 Fa 4 10
8 Pa 4 10 threnal robe (DB, fort)
9 Pa 4 10 12 ITWF
10 Mo 6 13 11
11 Mo 6 14 10 12 +20hp gem, GS opp goggles + air gloves
12 Mo 6 15 15 deflect, master
13 Fa 4 16 15
14 Fa 4 17 17 16
15 Fa 5 18 11 18 18 GTWF
16 Fa 5 19 14 19 2x envenomed
17 Fa 5 20 15 20 20
18 Fa 5 21 18 21 quicken
19 Fa 5 22 19 22 22
20 Fa 5 23 22 23
21 IC:p thunder-forged
24 ocrit
27 blinding speed
28 forced escape
30 ...?
You'll notice I deferred IC: pierce to much later as I am using assassin blades (keen). In exchange, I get master stances earlier. I find water+air stances and earth strike useful while levelling. So far it's been pretty fun. Not having heal yet is a bit painful; ameliorating strike is not reliable enough. Once I accepted that I can't be a caster, I don't think the lack of maximise really matters, given how much spell power items grant in epics.