The raid just ended. You're amped and ready to pull loot. And ready to roll on anything up for grabs since the raid drops several items that you strongly desire. Some yahoo in-group says, "Dang I'm hot, this is my 5th pull and I don't need or want another one of these, who wants to roll?" You can't believe it! The Pinion Wraps of Undeniable Seeker are up for roll! You got this right?
Whamo like a frisbee outta left field the yahoo says, "1st person to roll a 1 gets it." Everyone does /roll D100 out of habit. This will take forever and you really want the Pinion Wraps of Undeniable Seeker. As folks keep yammering at the keyboard for that one, you try /roll D1 and no dice!
You remain calm and don't panic. You adapt and hit /roll D2 on the keyboard. Gratz! The Pinion Wraps of Undeniable Seeker are yours! Type /roll d2 a bunch of times and you will see mostly 1s.
The next time some yahoo says, "The 1st player to roll a 1 gets it", /roll d2.