On the way to completionist I think I want to TR into a cleric (Or rather, anything that is not a melee because I'm on my 3rd melee life right now).
My past lives will be Sorcerer, wizard, barbarian, paladin and fighter.
I want to be able to be more than just a healbot thought the leveling process, maybe though epic leveling as well. I'm not sure I'll stay at epic levels or just TR again once I hit 20, so let's assume I will TR.
There are obviously only 2 paths to go with which are not pure healbot, spell caster or melee focused.
I need to know which of the above is more viable and easy and fun to play, also I will need some build suggestions, including gear.
I have access to all the regular races (Not those new ones, I haven't purchased the new pack)
I also have crafting levels of ~100 so I'll be able to make myself good gear at first.
All in all, I just want a fun build to have through leveling that will also be able to heal a party decently.
I have a level 20 cleric that is nothing more than a healbot, his spells DC suck and his strength is way too low to swing anything, I don't want that.
Thank you in advance!