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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Add a dialogue box for gem selling

    Some people collect gems as reserve fund, however, the "sell gems" button is with some problem that
    1. a wrong click will empty the gem bag
    2. when the amounts of gems dump exceed the 2^32 limit of platinum pieces, the player might get nothing (the message shows "the merchant gives for your gems")

    Please add a confirmation dialogue for this function, to prevent these issues.


  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    No thank you. Please keep my one-click ease of selling!

  3. #3
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    No thank you. Please keep my one-click ease of selling!
    Same for me, but if they made it an option you could turn on or off, I wouldn't mind it.
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  4. #4
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    The only conceivable reason for this suggestion, AFAICT, is so you can keep gems as a fungible way to store currency if you're already at the plat cap, without accidentally selling them for money you can't keep. So you're just asking for them to make it more convenient to stockpile currency beyond the current max.

    That's a bad idea from an inflationary standpoint. You don't want people saving up that much raw buying want them to spend money when they hit the cap. Its also just a bad idea because most players aren't going to reach the plat cap, so you're inconveniencing everyone to preserve accidental loss of value for the richest and most miserly players.

    Lastly, if they're going to tweak the system for any economic reason, I'd rather they try to add more useful plat sinks, so that there's more reason not to just sit at the plat cap just because...

  5. #5
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolnyr View Post
    Please add a confirmation dialogue for this function, to prevent these issues.
    Please no. I like quick selling my gems and junk.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolnyr View Post
    Some people collect gems as reserve fund, however, the "sell gems" button is with some problem that
    1. a wrong click will empty the gem bag
    2. when the amounts of gems dump exceed the 2^32 limit of platinum pieces, the player might get nothing (the message shows "the merchant gives for your gems")

    Please add a confirmation dialogue for this function, to prevent these issues.

    1: that's the intention of the button, giving additional dialogue screens to go through will be a nuisance to many more people then the people that will be 'helped' by adding said conformation box.

    2: that would be the math for copper pieces, but yes, that's an issue with every sale made while being close to the platinum cap, the way to prevent it from happening is to move platinum to alts well before that happens, or store it in barter goods instead.

    I wouldn't mind that the people that want this be given an option to do so, but making it an "opt out" type of deal, like something in the settings that can be tagged to gray out the sell gems button. Though I have little faith that will ever happen, since if we're going there, there would be a lot of those little tags to make for every part of the interface.

  7. #7
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    No thanks I want them gone quick and easy just like it is now

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  8. #8
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Same for me, but if they made it an option you could turn on or off, I wouldn't mind it.
    This, plus only if it is defaulted to 'not active'.

    The few who would use this can go switch it on, don't make everyone else go hunting the one box needed to activate a button.
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  9. #9
    Forum Turtle
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Lastly, if they're going to tweak the system for any economic reason, I'd rather they try to add more useful plat sinks, so that there's more reason not to just sit at the plat cap just because...
    This. I was pointing out to a friend of mine the other day the only REAL values plat has are: 1)ego stroke, look at this mass I've accumulated, and 2) as a trade medium between players. Other than that it's pretty useless, I could literally fill all six of my inventory bags slots each with 100 heal scrolls and not feel the economic dent. Of course, I couldn't play like that....LOL

    The trick is it should be plat sinks that would be a matter of course to players. Decent healing options especially in the modern culture of byoh (and some people really struggle with self heal, giving them the ability to play in groups more and take care of themselves can only help the lfm situation), decent duration buff pots, maybe add a new plat only metalsmith that you can gild your weapon/armor with a variety of metal choices, etc. etc.

    Revaluing platinum as something useful to the game can only help motivate people to earn platinum. Right now a large amount of the playerbase really doesn't care anymore. I've hit the point of vender trashing or asah only, throwing everything up for like 4 shards buyout because at least I can roll the gold dice with the shards. What would I really do with the plat anymore? I have a ton of junk in my inventory, rarely need to buy anything from other players, and have enough to buy my consumables for probably two years and never sell a single item for plat.
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