Dear devs,
if I plan my next TR, i wanna try barbarian again, but i don´t get what i pay for. Just let me be a bit cynical in the next lines.
Going barbarian says i get "incredible strength and offensive power" and will become a "beasts of the battlefield" so i "can deal immense amounts of melee damage". My expectations are high.
I´m a 2nd life fighter who started as barbarian and ate his +20 heart at LVL25 to get back to fighter (i did after U19 when the enhancementsystem was introduced and tried many many switchings and testings). And there hasn´t been much Change in when i read the Forums about barbs.
"By tapping into the raw fury of nature, barbarians can enter a battle rage that boosts their fighting ability to extreme levels, but they need to recover afterwards."
This is true for heroic settings, but please lets specify the "afterwards". After the soulstone has dropped? Most the time there was no "afterwards" when it became really dirty. Don´t fault it on my gear, that was high-end at that time.
"Barbarians also have the ability to shrug off or absorb some incoming physical attacks without taking damage. This is called damage reduction (DR) and can help make up for their lack of heavy armor.."
That came out a bit glib didn't it? We Need to discuss about the "some" and the "without". The "can" Needs to get the letter "t" added. It´s simply useless on epic and they chopp off your knob.
Now you intended the Barbarian to be an offensive DPS-Maschine with a lack in armor, prr and not the greatest dodge who´s mainly releying on damageabsorbtion by DR. Where is this DR? DR10-15 is nothing on epic. You Need to make it DR50-80.
Quoted from
-End of cynism-
For real Mr. Developers, be honest. How far does the barbarian at now on epic can make it when played as intended?
Thumbs up for the game, I still love it.