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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Lightbulb Endarire's Suggestion List 4 16 14

    Greetings, all!

    I've been enjoying DDO so much that I've been distracted from posting this, but here we go!

    Echoes of Power
    If I'm below the spell point cap set by Echoes of Power, keep adding spell points until I reach that cap. For example, if the cap is 15 SP and I have 12 SP, give me that 3 extra SP on the final tick.

    Spell-like Abilities (SLAs)
    Rather than trying to quickly adjust metamagic feats on or off to optimize for use with my SLAs, just have all the relevant metamagic feats apply to each use of a SLA. Any metamagic feats toggled on would still be applied to spells as normal. (Bam! Problem solved!)

    Mouse Wheel Binding
    Please let us reconfigure the keys/mouse so we can bind the mouse wheel (just the plain ol' mouse wheel) to anything. For example, in WoW, I made Mouse Wheel Up into next action bar and Mouse Wheel Down into previous action bar.

    House Phiarlan Time Warp Necklace
    Please change this into a toggle instead of an item, preferably automatically activated in areas it applies.

    Auto-Equip Optimum Haggler Gear
    I'd like the option to have my Haggle and +CHA gear automatically be equipped (or be treated as equipped in terms of prices) for when it applies. (Less micromanagement and more fun.) Additionally, I want the toggleable option to switch back to my previous gear if different.

    Skeletal Knight Character Sheet
    I'd like to be able to see a full character sheet for my Skeletal Knight so I know all his stats.

    Level 3 Arcane Spell Scroll Vendor
    There really should be one of these in the Marketplace (with the level 1 & 2 vendors) or/and in House Jorasco's House of Wizardry shop.

    Warforged Hirelings
    I'd like more of the hirelings to be Warforged. There's the Korthos Island level 1 Warforged Barbarian and a level 6 Warforged Wizard... and that's all I've seen for non-gold seal hirelings.

    Enhancements and Levels
    Let's say I put the level 1 Summon Skeletal Knight ability on my action bar. I use it. Then, I upgrade this ability to level 2. The ability on my action bar is still tied to level 1; it doesn't automatically update/upgrade this with level. Pweath fix this. (This is most notable with a Sorcerer's SLAs.)

    Which Zone Are You In?
    When I mouseover a party member's name, I'd like to know what zone they're in. (Stormreach Marketplace, Ruins of Gianthold, Osgood's Basement, etc.)

    Long-Range Guild Ship Invite
    Please let me invite someone to my ship if he's in any public area, not just standing beside an airship dock. I'd also like to be able to invite someone to my ship without being on said ship nor next to an airship dock.

    Spending Astral Shards on Daily Dice
    Give us a confirmation message before we spend Astral Shards on any Daily Dice rolls.

    DDO Store Cost Per Unit
    When buying more than one of an item (Astral Shards, Potions, Tomes, etc.) show the cost per unit. For example, if 100 Astral Shards cost 100 Turbine Points, show that as 10 TP/unit somewhere on the shop interface.

  2. #2
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endarire View Post
    Spell-like Abilities (SLAs)
    Rather than trying to quickly adjust metamagic feats on or off to optimize for use with my SLAs, just have all the relevant metamagic feats apply to each use of a SLA. Any metamagic feats toggled on would still be applied to spells as normal. (Bam! Problem solved!)
    If you right click on an SLA, (or any spell on your spellbar) you can select which metamagics automatically are applied to it. Have a sorc with an acid blast SLA? Right click and turn maximize, quicken, and empower on every cast. It's already in the game! As a fun side note, you can drag a spell onto two different hotbar slots and have one a meta'd one, and the oter baseline. Press 4 for firewall, or press 5 or maximized firewall!

  3. #3
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    I was imagining suggesting just that. Then you told me it's already there. Thankee!

  4. #4
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endarire View Post
    Echoes of Power
    If I'm below the spell point cap set by Echoes of Power, keep adding spell points until I reach that cap. For example, if the cap is 15 SP and I have 12 SP, give me that 3 extra SP on the final tick.
    Echoes of Power cap is 12 SP. There is a bug that if you have 9, 10, or 11 SP left, the next tick will hit you for +4 SP anyway, and you go over it, but the ability specifically say it put you back at 12.

    Quote Originally Posted by Endarire View Post
    Level 3 Arcane Spell Scroll Vendor
    There really should be one of these in the Marketplace (with the level 1 & 2 vendors) or/and in House Jorasco's House of Wizardry shop.
    There is a level 3 arcane scroll vendor on House Phiarlan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Endarire View Post
    Warforged Hirelings
    I'd like more of the hirelings to be Warforged. There's the Korthos Island level 1 Warforged Barbarian and a level 6 Warforged Wizard... and that's all I've seen for non-gold seal hirelings.
    Look harder. There is a ton of warforgeds in the hireling list. A favorite of mine for Vale content is the paladin 18 Full Metal

    Quote Originally Posted by Endarire View Post
    Spending Astral Shards on Daily Dice
    Give us a confirmation message before we spend Astral Shards on any Daily Dice rolls.
    There is a moment after you click in it that is impossible for you to click for the next roll. So, if you are using your free roll, you can't roll again on accident until that roll show up the result.

    It is not a confirmation screen, but IMO, is decent enough to warrant no one will click on it by accident.
    Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
    Almost-never-played-alts: Arquera - Chapolin - Fabber - Herweg - Mecanico - Tenma

    I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.

  5. #5
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endarire View Post

    Auto-Equip Optimum Haggler Gear
    I'd like the option to have my Haggle and +CHA gear automatically be equipped (or be treated as equipped in terms of prices) for when it applies. (Less micromanagement and more fun.) Additionally, I want the toggleable option to switch back to my previous gear if different.
    Although I don't necesarilly agree with this implementation idea, I do think it would be neat to have more ability to drag sets of equipment into the same hot bar slot, just like we can do with dual-wielded weapons. Going to the store? Click the hotbar button with all your haggle stuff in it. About to fight loads of undead? Click your hotbar button with your holy, undead bane, and undeadguard equipment. Outsiders? Have a set for that. When the vampires are toast, click back on your normal adventuring gear set. That would be pretty epic.

  6. #6
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    I agree with the "change entire gear sets with one button push" notion. Curious how that woud affect game balance.

    Additionally, I have these requests.

    Preview Item on Character
    World of Warcraft lets me push a button combo (Control-Click) to see how my character would look wearing/wielding this item.

    No More Awesomium Overload!
    Do I need more than one instance of the Awesomium process active at a time? Third party programs exist to deal with this, but why not handle it directly?

    True Sell Value Displayed
    When mousing over an item, show me how much an item is worth to a vendor according to my Haggle skill, CHA bonus, and so on, as if I were actually at the merchant. That helps plan things.

    Button: Sort Quest Rewards by Sell Value
    I'd like this. It helps when no item presented is especially useful on its own.

    Lemme Use ESC to Exit My Inventory Screen when Search Mode is Up
    Exactly what it says on the tin. Presently, I can't use ESC to close my inventory when in search mode (as opposed to the normal inventory slot view mode).

  7. #7
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    No more WF hires until current WF hires have heal amp. There's a WF rogue that has a the worst heal amp I've ever seen, hire or PC.

    I really really like the idea of being able to have metas turned on and apply to the right spells without having to constantly toggle on and off. So annoying trying to remember to toggle and wasting extra sp.

    Also to add, I would like to see my total heal amp like you can with dodge, spell power and fortification.

    I would like to see my total damage and watch it go up and down when I use boosts, equip gear, get buffed, get debuffed, when ship buffs expire, etc. without having to pull out a calculator and know difficult math formulas. This way I can see what stacks and what doesn't also.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

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