I am looking at trying to play a fighter/wizard of the sword/board variety, and could use some input from people far more experienced with melee than myself. I have warforged, artificer, drow, bladeforged, PDK, and druid for extra options. My goal is viable melee combat with decent/good HP and defences. (Having to strain for the 400 HP marker at 20 on a caster is rather exhausting) I'm not set in stone about sword/board, i do have a collection of khopeshes on various characters. Having some solo ability in heroic would be nice, but certainly not needed. I don't need to manage EE alone.
I am aware sword/board is considered very bad by the general population of the forums. I am aware of ASF, and am working with that. Going arcane means UMD is only needed for divine scrolls/wands (Resurrect, etc) Do I care if this character has sub-par DPS and/or acheives gimp status? Not in the least. I'd rather it be fun to play than some cookie-cutter build. Also, I really would like to avoid monk. I haven't unlocked it, and have very little intention to do so in the near future.
Tentative Plan:
5 Wizard (Level 3 spells, Tenser's Enhancement, skill points, couple of metas to enhance buffs)
15 Fighter (8 Bonus feats, Tier 3 core enhancements)
Sorcerer 5: Loss of Level 3 spells, but Charisma works with PDK for attacks. CHA base means better UMD (always useful) Losing the ability to self-buff a Haste or Rage may be less useful. Splashing Paladin gives +CHA to saves, never hurts. Small bit of extra SP means a bit more buffs
Add Rogue Levels: Trap skills and the intelligence to use them, evasion (though heavy armor makes that useless) have to lose 2 Fighter, loss of bonus feat. Some tier 1 rogue-y skills might have a use.
Human: bonus feats, potential dragonmarks
Warforged: Arcane self-heals galore.
Bladeforged: SLA Reconstruct alone makes this note-worthy (I think. I'm used to the Warforged caster who can self-spam Recons in a pinch)
PDK: Works well with Charisma (if I go the sorc route)
Eldritch Knight: Tenser's Tranformation SLA. I would ideally love to keep this ability. If the S/B route is possible, then the enhancements relating to shields could be quite useful. Requires 31 points invested in the end.
General Thoughts? Stalwart Defender or Kensai? Is S/B a relic of the past, or would it be possible, given investment? Thanks in advance for taking the time to help with such an eclectic build idea.