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  1. #1
    Ice Drakeling digital_terror1's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Default Heal + Repair kits

    Several updates ago, skills were given a makeover so that stuff that used to be nearly useless such as heal and repair actually gained a large amount of functionality.

    Now it's time to give that same makeover to healer's kits and repair kits.

    These 2 items are the adventurer's best friend in the limited spellcasting environment of Pen & Paper, giving players a way to heal up between fights and saving their limited spells per day for emergencies....but are completely useless as they are now in DDO.

    I suggest making the following change to both of these kits:

    Give them a 5 second 'casting time' to represent the time taken bandaging wounds and applying other basic first aid, and cause their use to be interrupted by taking any damage at all with no way to avoid disruption. Bandaging someone in the middle of a melee should be nearly impossible.

    Once the cast time is completed, the kits would apply a healing effect with a strength based on your level, heal or repair skill, and kit bonus
    Level x 10 + skill + kit level.

    So, at level 1 I could have a heal skill of 8 (skill 4, wisdom bonus +4). If I had a healer's kit +1, I could then use it to restore 19 hp. This healing would NOT be affected by healing amp.

    This would make the kits useful, even if you had no heal or repair skill, and give players another option for self healing between fights other than wands and potions that do too little, scrolls that require a high UMD, or silver flame pots.
    Last edited by digital_terror1; 04-15-2014 at 08:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Hazelnut's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    and then that guy in House Cannith that is showing off his collection of baby iron defenders could sell them and we could all have our very own metal pets with a way to keep them in tip-top shape.
    Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    So at level 30, they'd heal you for 300 HP, even with zero skill? In fact, that formula makes the Heal skill itself fairly irrelevant. Also, a 5 second induction still means you could AOE CC, heal up, and then resume combat.

    This'd make UMD healing (scroll/wand) completely irrelevant, as its already fairly cumbersome to try and use it in-combat. Everyone would have complete OOC self-heals for cheap. Monk's channeled heal becomes obsolete as well.

    I do agree they're essentially worthless as-is right now - but I might rather see them used as a booster to Positive and Repair healing spells....essentially a component-based metamagic that'd grant something additional (spellpower? crit? straight +%?) to healing spells, and consume one per spell cast.

  4. #4
    Community Member YUTANG75's Avatar
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    I like the idea although the formula needs to be edited a bit to make it more dependent on the skill.

  5. #5
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Sorry...but have to hijack. Funny story.

    We told one of our guildies (long time player) that he could sell heal and repair kits of AH for a ton of plat. Told him there was a vendor who would take them for a chance at a nice item (Like tomes and such). He believed us and was really distraught over the number of kits he had vendored over the years and how much plat had missed out on. He started collecting these like crazy and put them on the AH for insane amounts of PP. Took him a couple of weeks to figure out we were lying.

    Now, everyone passes him heal kits/repair kits in chests.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    While I do agree that the kits are useless at the moment, I sorta disagree with this part:

    Quote Originally Posted by digital_terror1 View Post
    Once the cast time is completed, the kits would apply a healing effect with a strength based on your level, heal or repair skill, and kit bonus
    Level x 10 + skill + kit level.

    So, at level 1 I could have a heal skill of 8 (skill 4, wisdom bonus +4). If I had a healer's kit +1, I could then use it to restore 19 hp. This healing would NOT be affected by healing amp.
    I'd make the time it takes to bandage 15 seconds, 6 seconds is about the time it takes to open a door, and we're doing that a lot while mobs are trying to bash in our faces, making it prohibitively long will have a good chance of preventing from the "CC, back up, and use a kit" that one of the previous posters brought up.
    I'd also impose a 1 minute debuff that prevents the use of another healing kit on the target during it's time (on success only). This is to prevent it from being spammed consecutively to full heal. And it makes little sense to me that applying even more bandages when most of the wounds are already patched up would have any effect, except maybe aggravate the wounds.
    I'd also prevent it from being used on yourself, or at least apply a 50% penalty to the effect. Both to encourage some reliance on your party members, and to imply that properly bandaging up yourself is harder then bandaging up another person.

    second: your math is too slanted to the level of the character in my opinion, as shown below, the heal skill and healer's kit level are almost irrelevant compared to the character level at the higher levels
    level 1 level 10 level 20 level 30
    heal skill 0 10 100 200 0
    heal skill 20 30 120 220 320
    heal skill 50 60 150 250 350
    heal skill 100 110 200 300 400

    I'd like to see it being slanted more to the heal skill itself, something like: (10 + heal skill *0.25)*(kit bonus+1)
    Healer's kit Healer's kit +1 Healer's kit +2 Healer's kit +3 Healer's kit +4 Healer's kit +5
    heal skill 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
    heal skill 20 15 30 45 60 75 90
    heal skill 50 22 45 67 90 112 135
    heal skill 100 35 70 105 140 175 210

    And lastly, I'd allow healing amp to work on it. That's what it is for after all, to make one heal better, arbitrarily making it not work with effects makes little sense.

  7. #7
    2015 DDO Players Council Sebastrd's Avatar
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    This has been suggested before, and I wonder why it hasn't been implemented. It's a great idea.

    Another formula could be (heal skill+heal kit bonus) points healed per second for (character level) seconds.
    Astreya the Unturning

    It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastrd View Post
    This has been suggested before, and I wonder why it hasn't been implemented. It's a great idea.

    Another formula could be (heal skill+heal kit bonus) points healed per second for (character level) seconds.
    Because that's what the Elixirs do, first off, so you're negating a Store item.

    Because it trivializes Druid HOTs if everyone can just clicky their own HOTs every time. It trivializes Monk's HP Meditation, like I mentioned above, if everyone has "Meditation-in-a-can" from L1 (plus that's channeled, not just a HOT, so you can't actually move with Meditation).

    Because a HOT, unlike a bulk heal, can be used right before combat to offset initial damage, negating the "OOC only" intention

    And because at L30 with 36 base Heal + 20 item + 4 Wis bonus = 60 health per second for 30 seconds = 1800 heal? Let alone if its affected by Pos SP or Amp? Plus, in group play with a tank to hold aggro/take aggro, everyone could take a "Kit Kat break" for however long the induction is, pop a Kit, and then get back to fighting while enjoying a long-lasting, powerful HOT.

  9. #9
    Community Member toaftoaf's Avatar
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    Heal + Repair kits are like tir.bines QA

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