The Quest Minimum Level mechanic is not working like I thought it does. In various places I recall reading that the minimum character level for any quest is the quest level adjusted for difficulty (hard +1, elite +2) minus 4 (-4).

For example, take the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar:
It's a level 28 quest, so I thought you had to be level 24 to play normal, level 25 to play hard and level 26 to play elite. But, I was able to enter the HHofE at character level 24 on hard (stepped in and completed) and apparently elite too (appeared to be an option but I didn't step in on elite).

I've looked through U21 and U21 patch notes and didn't see any changes. Curious if anyone knows how it really works. I've hesitated to post LFMs allowing level 24s on hard to avoid possible disappointment but I'd like to allow for more players.