Fellow Sarlonians!
I've recently hit triple completionist with my main - Ironpope.
Thought I'd take this opportunity to thank you all for the lovely years of questing

I think that the fact my friends list is way way bigger than my squelched list speaks for itself.
I've ran into a lot more helpful and friendly souls than not, far too many to mention without making this post ridiculously long; so to all those who were patient with me, those who've helped me with guidance along the way, those who helped me farm my shinies, those who've kept me company along the TR trail, and all those who bailed my ass in the many many times when I was in over my head, thank you
A special thanks to Lunavera who took me into our guild (Eternal Divine Justice) early on. We've taken what was then pretty much nothing, and with the help of Uruko/Xebnyk, Porez, Corsil, Innogen and others, built it up to level 100. Much love to you all
if you're wondering what's next for pope, well, originally I thought I'd farm epic past lives for a bit, but the epics are still way too grindy for my liking (yes, a triple completionist complaining about something being way too grindy...
turbine, please take note!)
so at the moment I'm (finally) leveling a few long neglected alts, mainly sewerbunny & shatteraxe.
if you see them around, don't be a stranger
hope to see you in the game soon!
--- Edit
3 rules of thumb for a happy life, filled with xp and optionals :
- Self heal
- Have evasion
- Be able to trap