I had a chance to go through those other builds and the shuricannon one more.
So besides saves and threat, this is what's wrong with tanking in the other shuriken builds.
They have 286 to 486 base hp, have 0 base prr, and heal with cocoon, or casted quickened lvl 11 heal or reconstruct.
Between the double mana cost to use the casted versions and reduced caster levels, they are already at 1/3 the healing capacity of the all purpose build I linked. So they can't tank because they can't self-heal enough total damage. The warcannon build replaces my prr with displacement and buffs, which further reduces its "active time" to 11 minutes as per the build creator doing challenges. The all purpose build goes for effectively forever, in EE. You can't tank with cocoon healing, since it breaks cocoon.
Plus the low hp, saves, and PRR means they can't wait to get a full heal or reconstruct off and need to heal earlier to avoid going bug splat. This further reduces the effectiveness of that 1/3 total healing capacity to around 1/5th.
Plus the low hp means that if things go pear shaped, like if they get hit by an adrenaline EE mob or meridian buffed dragon, or lag spike, or a 1 on a disabling saving throw, they are more likely to go bug splat. This is why I lowered my dodge/incorporeal by equipping a shield to gain raw hp, so I never go poof. This is what makes the build basically unkillable by combat damage. Since I have so much more healing capacity, I just need to not bug splat, and pick HP/PRR over RNG avoidance (I do have 3 shroud displacement clickies, but stopped bringing more than the equipped 1 out with me). RNG is on average better, but is subject to RNG.
Now those builds can solo EE and do fine in EE, and do more dps. They just don't tank as well, and have a different play style.
BF Shuriken Tank #2
6 Pali 12 Monk 2 Wiz (order 6 pali 6 Monk 2 Wiz 6 Monk) (BAB 8 at lvl 9, 10 at 12) (Base +9 AC 6 Dodge)
Str 8 (0)
Dex 16 (16)
Con 16 (6)
Int 10 (2)
Wis 12 (6)
Ch4 14 (6)
Base Saves 13, 10, 13
Pali Aura +4 All
Pali Def Stance +3 All
Luck +2 All
Epic Levels +4
30 Charisma +10 All
Resist +7 All
Parrying 4 All
Bullwark 2 All
+36 All
38 Con +14 Fort
44 Dex +17 Reflex
30 Wis +10 Will
Bladesworn Transformation 10 Will
Perfect Reflex
+2 Reflex No Fail
Enh. +2 reflex
Final permanent saves - unbuffed
Skills (UMD, Repair, haggle)
ED: Shiradi
Twists: Improved Combat Expertise, Standing with Stone, Enlightenment.
12 -Bladeforged - Communion of Scribing - Repair Amp 50% fort 1 con
11 Monk NiS More Shurikens, Shadow Veil, 3% dodge, 3 reflex
36 Paladin Sacred Defender PRR + 50 + 6 Saves + 8 AC 50% AC bonus from armor.
11 Monk Shintao 15 PRR
8 Wiz EK 15 PRR (10% AC, 10 PRR)
KotC 1 1d6 Undead
Archmage 1 Invis SLA **
Feats 2 Wiz Free:
Magical Training-Innate
Feats 3 Monk Free:
Deflect Arrows
Shuriken Expertise
Combat Expertise
Feats 7 Regular
Quick Draw 1
Rapid Shot 6
Precise Shot 9
10k Stars 12
IPS 15
IC:Thrown 18
3 Epic
CA (2% dodge) 21
Bulwark 24
No Fail Reflex 27
2 ED
Gaurdian Angel* or Whatevers
AC: Bladeswrorn Transformation 4 AC 7 Natural 7 Prot + 10 base + 18 Armor, 20 Dex, 10 Wis, 6 Shield, 8 Enhancements, 9 Monk = 106 base + 15% (mountain) 10% CE, 10% IMA = 138 ish = 50% miss chance
Dodge = 6 base 2 CA 2 NiS 6+ item = 16%+
Incorp = 25% Shadow Veil
PRR = 12 Mountain 15 Stand With Stone 15 Imp Mountain 20 Imp CE, 50 Sacred Def 10 Wiz EK 9 Past Life 15 Planar Conflux 24 Ring = 170 ish = >50% absorb
GS Permablur + displacement clicky (Wiz VI + Elemental Energy or 45 HP) 20-50%
*Epic Mage armor doesn't work with Imp. Mage Armor enhancement or improved armor sacred defender enhancement, so ends up being useless. Dragonscale docent with sacred defender is 18 AC, so it is only a 2 AC upgrade.
** Invis SLA plus quicken as free mage feat = godly. Best ability ever.