I am looking at tring to try and be a thf double strike build to maximize dps. This will be a 36 point build. Does every point spent in the Eldritch Knight tree really increase double strike by one. If so, do the abilities that state they increase double strike increase double strike doubly.
I am thinking about going
5 Wiz 3 Rog 12 FTR
Enancements, 18 points spent on Dwarf tree to get "Throw your weight around"
22 Points spent in Kensai Tree to get "Weapon Group Specialization four"
The remaining 40 spent on the Eldritch Knight tree to get at least a 40% double strike chance
Stats would look something like (need to double check my math) to start with a +3 tome on all stats. Level Up points in Con and +3 Enhancements to Str
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 18
Int 17
Wis 8
Chr 6
Other thoughts I had were to replace the fighter or rogue levels with druid levels for the natures warrior tree.