Dear devs and Players,
i wanna bring in the Suggestion to make Level-Switch available. I love my toon at 28, but from time to time i think: "Lets do the pit" or "lets do that ... ". No wait - you´re too high Level, totally stupid! Creat a new toon / TR and start again? Nahh....!
Now lets say there is a "mirror-backup" button with one Slot for any Level we achieved so we can return at any Point back to this (e.g. Lvl28 Switches back to his Lvl14 stats+Feats choosen at that time). If 28 "mirror-backups" are too many, then maybe divide it into (1-5 / 5-10 / 11-15 / 16-20 /20-25 / 20-X) chances. We would Need 2-3 more bankslots to store more gear (else your bank isn´t already stuffed to burst) for suitable equippment and let the Party start!
After having played your LVL16 toon for TOD, you go back and reswitch to your LVL28 Situation, go to your dressers room, undress the lvl16 gear and rearm with your lvl28 stuff.
Gained loot is allowed to Keep, xp are lost.
In PnP D&D, we always kept our "old" char-screens and noted equippment, and even we were lvl14, we could Play another LVL5-campaign on being LVL5 and not LVL14.
Is it possible to do something like this and does anyone else like the core of this idea? In my eyes it could raise the fun-factor enormous!