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  1. #1
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Default Universal level switching and endless fun (?)

    Dear devs and Players,

    i wanna bring in the Suggestion to make Level-Switch available. I love my toon at 28, but from time to time i think: "Lets do the pit" or "lets do that ... ". No wait - you´re too high Level, totally stupid! Creat a new toon / TR and start again? Nahh....!

    Now lets say there is a "mirror-backup" button with one Slot for any Level we achieved so we can return at any Point back to this (e.g. Lvl28 Switches back to his Lvl14 stats+Feats choosen at that time). If 28 "mirror-backups" are too many, then maybe divide it into (1-5 / 5-10 / 11-15 / 16-20 /20-25 / 20-X) chances. We would Need 2-3 more bankslots to store more gear (else your bank isn´t already stuffed to burst) for suitable equippment and let the Party start!

    After having played your LVL16 toon for TOD, you go back and reswitch to your LVL28 Situation, go to your dressers room, undress the lvl16 gear and rearm with your lvl28 stuff.
    Gained loot is allowed to Keep, xp are lost.

    In PnP D&D, we always kept our "old" char-screens and noted equippment, and even we were lvl14, we could Play another LVL5-campaign on being LVL5 and not LVL14.

    Is it possible to do something like this and does anyone else like the core of this idea? In my eyes it could raise the fun-factor enormous!
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  2. #2
    Community Member dydzio0614's Avatar
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    I find the idea really good, would be excellent if raid named loot dropped only after going few levels back to raid bravery bonus level range. Old endgame raids (tower of despair / lord of blades / vision of destruction) are just one big waste for now with level 28 existing, there is no challenge when doing them and its loot is too easy to get, not mentioning gear from them needs to be boosted up or epic versions of raids should exist to make items useful again. It is sad to see a lot of content to be useless. DDO has less challenging endgame than it got 2 years ago.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    The main thing about this idea is what is the motive?

    What is the goal to go back to say, level 9 to do the pit?

    Now before you answer, Loot and Favor are not motives, I can get both of those very easy by using my 28th level toon and just steamrolling the place.

    I suppose the idea of EXP could be a motivator.

    But, you're already 28th level, and don't need exp anymore, maybe for an ED, but if you went below 20th, then you lose the ED and thus the exp for it as well. Equally all epic content will provide your 28th level with exp.

    So, what's the motive here, I stand to gain no progress at all to my toon from doing this, so why would anyone do this?

  4. #4
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    The main thing about this idea is what is the motive?

    What is the goal to go back to say, level 9 to do the pit?

    Now before you answer, Loot and Favor are not motives, I can get both of those very easy by using my 28th level toon and just steamrolling the place.

    I suppose the idea of EXP could be a motivator.

    But, you're already 28th level, and don't need exp anymore, maybe for an ED, but if you went below 20th, then you lose the ED and thus the exp for it as well. Equally all epic content will provide your 28th level with exp.

    So, what's the motive here, I stand to gain no progress at all to my toon from doing this, so why would anyone do this?
    I can think of a couple of reasons.

    1-Fun and challenge. It would be no challenge for a super completionist lvl 28 to run the Pit.
    2-Say you have a friend or guildy that want to run the Pit and wants some help. Rollback to lvl 8-10 and party up. He still gets xp and you still get the fun.
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  5. #5
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    I would need a lot more bank space...
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  6. #6
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    Smile ummmm

    How bout this....

    Make a lower level alt toon?

    Or, add max level to quests. For instance "the pit" no min lvl to enter quest, but max lvl is say 10 or 11.

    This way you cant run it and steamroll with your lvl 28, max lvl 11 to enter.

    Why would you wanna steamroll through a lvl 9 quest with a lvl 28, except for favor? You wont get xp, loots are meh by this point, challenge is not there.

    Also with a max level requirement, you would be more apt to hit all quests at lvl, or within a level range. You wouldnt skip necro, or threnal this life, cause youd be locked out at higher levels and lose potential favor gain.

    For those not interested it favor, its not an issue.

    If you wanted certain named loots, youd run the.quests at level to get them, and would not be able to farm for that VOM, that you never got at lvl 5.

    Having a system like you mentioned, I think, adds a ton of development time and resources to implement.

    Of course what I mentioned would pertain to quests only, not raids.

    Still need to be able to raid vons, tods, etc at cap.

    Just a spinoff of your idea sir.

    Edit: actually, not a spinoff, but new idea, really.

    Rolling back a toon from 28 to 9 or 11 or whatever lvl, would take a lot of time, and resources to implement. Stats change, feats change, gear..... etc.

    Wait!!! This is already in the game! It is called TRing.
    Last edited by GMoneyMackDaddy; 04-11-2014 at 09:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Guild Wars 2 does this. And it works, to a varying amount.

    The reason why it works there is that there are daily and monthly goals to achieve, which involves playing content in various areas. It's also nice that a Max level character to drop to ANY level and play with someone at another level and still get FULL credit for everything you are doing.

    The problem in DDO is how to deal with various high level abilities that would be extremely over powered in lower content. Do they simply (heh) get scaled to that level or are certain abilities and spell disabled?

    In general I'd love to be able to play my character at any level in game at any time, but I don't think DDO is set up in such a way to make that possible.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    I can think of a couple of reasons.

    1-Fun and challenge. It would be no challenge for a super completionist lvl 28 to run the Pit.
    LOL, I love this one "fun" and "challenge" which, lets be real, neither of these would in fact be the case if you removed motives like loot/exp/favor

    But, Lets look at this realistically.

    Using an example like the Pit.

    There is also zero need or motive for most TR's to run the Pit more then once, and unless they used a stone, there is almost a guaranteed chance they had already done it on elite for favor and exp as they leveled up, perhaps even a few times, unless they positively hated doing the pit to start with.

    The truth is, most heroic content was not a challenge when they were grinding through it getting to 28th (soon to be 30th), there is a good chance it was not even all that much fun either because they had done ot many times before as well. It would not suddenly become this fun&challenge event if they could "drop levels" to do it again.

    So I am going to dismiss this outright.

    2-Say you have a friend or guildy that want to run the Pit and wants some help. Rollback to lvl 8-10 and party up. He still gets xp and you still get the fun.
    Truth is, this may be the only reason to put this idea in, and even then, the limited amount of times this would even come up, would never justify it.

    But, let me ask you this, would you pay $50 for this feature, knowing that running with your "friends" would not progress your toon at all, and then you would need to fill your bank with more TR/Leveling gear?

  9. #9
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    LOL, I love this one "fun" and "challenge" which, lets be real, neither of these would in fact be the case if you removed motives like loot/exp/favor

    But, Lets look at this realistically.

    Using an example like the Pit.

    There is also zero need or motive for most TR's to run the Pit more then once, and unless they used a stone, there is almost a guaranteed chance they had already done it on elite for favor and exp as they leveled up, perhaps even a few times, unless they positively hated doing the pit to start with.

    The truth is, most heroic content was not a challenge when they were grinding through it getting to 28th (soon to be 30th), there is a good chance it was not even all that much fun either because they had done ot many times before as well. It would not suddenly become this fun&challenge event if they could "drop levels" to do it again.

    So I am going to dismiss this outright.

    Truth is, this may be the only reason to put this idea in, and even then, the limited amount of times this would even come up, would never justify it.

    But, let me ask you this, would you pay $50 for this feature, knowing that running with your "friends" would not progress your toon at all, and then you would need to fill your bank with more TR/Leveling gear?
    No...I wouldn't pay for it, but I don't think it would be a horrible option to have in the game. In reality, I wouldn't want to see valuable dev time spent on this project at the expense of making new content however.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

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  10. #10
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    No...I wouldn't pay for it, but I don't think it would be a horrible option to have in the game. In reality, I wouldn't want to see valuable dev time spent on this project at the expense of making new content however.
    Thank you for your honesty.

    I half expected some song and dance number, thank you for not doing that, but you also see now why this idea is not really going to happen, there is simply not much desire for it and no return of investment.

  11. #11
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I think with 44 character slots across 8 servers, no one has yet to have full PL's (heroic, iconic, and epic) on all 44. Once I see that achievement being done in a year, then I can think they would need another system to kill time.

    However this would be a wasted effort. You can easily roll toons for each level and play at level quests with at level gear, and still have room to have some stuff for all endgame fun.

  12. #12
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    No thank

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  13. #13
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    No thank
    Morning Folks,

    good to read some Response to the idea. Ok, it doesn´t seem that the idea breaks open doors, that´s ok.

    It´s true you can roll up a toon to lvl7 and throw into battle, but Intention was to have a variety with your (favored) toon to run "the old" quests without beeing totally overleveled, at any Level, any time. For fun and challenge.

    I´m no pro gamer. I love the game but don´t have the wish and time to TR into a 4+ life to do everything again (or become a completionist). Maybe one day. Respect to all you others doing that.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  14. #14
    Community Member Ozrik's Avatar
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    Having played EQ2 for its first 6 years before i came over to DDO.They actually had a system implemented called 'Mentoring'.The idea was you could group with any lvl you liked even if you were capped.Say a fellow guildy was lvl 25 and you were could join grp and select mentor which automatically scaled your toon down to their lvl.Very handy for helping out newer players/guildys..iirc you got some xp not as much but the mentored player got alittle xp bonus on top of regular xp too.I think a similar system would work fine here and would make the whole game a little more friendly.My 2 pence worth.

    Oh and this way no need for vast bank space for said lowbie items..your toon is scaled by the game as to not make you too over powered.So as you leve grp you return to normal lvl.
    Last edited by Ozrik; 04-12-2014 at 11:06 AM. Reason: Added info
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  15. #15
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    It should be a painless thing to TR after you hit level 20, more so as a VIP.
    Keep a high level character to steamroll for loot for the others you are TRing with.
    If the point is to keep people playing with past lives you should make it easy.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-14-2014 at 04:11 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member LeadHero5's Avatar
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    Default Every even level...

    you would have to option to 'snapshot' the old level. Gear, feats, hotbars, everything would be saved. You want to run the low content again? Go to the past level tab and pick your level. You would be locked out from trading, and selling; Xp and favor would be earned; you are doing the quest again but chests would have nothing under your name. Free to VIP but a cost to prems.
    Originally posted by Aeryyn "I don't play this game for xp/min, I play for fun/hour. "

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