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  1. #1
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Default My personal spin of the Exploiter: Ranger 18/Rogue 1/Barbarian 1

    Leveling order:
    1: Rogue
    2: Ranger
    3: Ranger
    4: Barbarian
    5-20: Ranger

    Past lives:
    Paladin x 2

    Feat order:
    1: Power attack
    3: Active Past life: Barbarian
    6: Cleave
    9: Improved critical
    12: Great Cleave
    15: Empowered heal
    18: Extend?

    This build shall be TWF, and all TWF feats shall be granted from ranger. Thus, I can dump Dex for more Strength and Intelligence.

    Please leave comments, I can't see anything wrong with it and need to see the other side of this.

  2. #2
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    1 fighter over 1 barb, get a feat, can take haste and sprint boost at the same time, 3 more action boosts.

    The below feats I use on the one who was a Khopesh use but drops the feat at level 23 and the CiTW weapons are available.

    1: Dodge
    3: Cleave
    6: Great Cleave
    9: IC: Slashing (swap later for IC: ranged)
    12: Khopesh (swap later for Precision)
    15: Maximize
    18: Quicken

    Human: Power Attack
    Fighter: IC: Piercing

    21: Ovewhelming Crit
    24: Point blank shot
    26 (ED): Toughness
    27: Epic Toughness
    28 (ED): Perfect TWFing

    You're welcome.

  3. #3
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    1 fighter over 1 barb, get a feat, can take haste and sprint boost at the same time, 3 more action boosts.

    The below feats I use on the one who was a Khopesh use but drops the feat at level 23 and the CiTW weapons are available.

    1: Dodge
    3: Cleave
    6: Great Cleave
    9: IC: Slashing (swap later for IC: ranged)
    12: Khopesh (swap later for Precision)
    15: Maximize
    18: Quicken

    Human: Power Attack
    Fighter: IC: Piercing

    21: Ovewhelming Crit
    24: Point blank shot
    26 (ED): Toughness
    27: Epic Toughness
    28 (ED): Perfect TWFing

    You're welcome.
    .......Well, fine.

    Yes it's pretty much this. There's not really all that much to building a ranger range/melee hybrid build. It's really just your style of play. But in all reality Teh_Troll kind of laid out the best and most basic groundwork.

    I will say this though. I'm not sure why he took maximize. I would take empower heal. And probably Forced Escape and Perfect TWFing. Also remember to twist in Balanced Attacks because I never actually read the description until someone pointed it out and Oh My God is it awesome for dual wielding.

  4. #4
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post
    I will say this though. I'm not sure why he took maximize.
    450-500+ CSW. I don't use cocoon, I've found any time it useful and non-meta'd CSW or hjeal scroll would do. I want the big cure to be a big cure.

  5. #5
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post
    Also remember to twist in Balanced Attacks because I never actually read the description until someone pointed it out and Oh My God is it awesome for dual wielding.
    EDIT: That looks like a great idea.
    Last edited by Teh_Troll; 04-10-2014 at 08:07 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for replies

    So I looked at TehTroll's reply, and i mostly agree with how he sees it, but i prefer this build. Mind you, this is not an epic-elite build. I don't understand why exactly you need dodge, but suppose it could work. Rage will be more like a clicky, and I'd rather have +10% fast movement than sprint boosts. Regarding the fighter level, what good's a feat if you don't need it?

    Edit: Balanced attacks doesn't even look that good for a twist. Unreliable CC and +6 attack for all my twist points.
    Last edited by doubledge; 04-10-2014 at 08:14 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    Mind you, this is not an epic-elite build.
    Mine is.

    If you're not building for EE anything is viable so there's no point in even asking.

  8. #8
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    450-500+ CSW. I don't use cocoon, I've found any time it useful and non-meta'd CSW or hjeal scroll would do. I want the big cure to be a big cure.
    Half of the SPP with empower heal, for less than half the increase in spell cost. That's the only reason I'd use EH over Max.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Balanced attacks is pretty reliable, great addition to Adrenaline cc on twf with 100 % off hand and good double strike.
    Bet even for LD user.
    Pretty much permanent twist, why is it such surprise ?

    Teh_Troll forgot to mention 3 pally lives and human, that's why Maximize and no Cocoon I suppose.

  10. #10
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Balanced attacks is pretty reliable, great addition to Adrenaline cc on twf with 100 % off hand and good double strike.
    Bet even for LD user.
    Pretty much permanent twist, why is it such surprise ?

    Typically twisting when in fury (95% of the time) . . .

    - Meld into Darkness: 15 second 100% dodge clickie is a life-saver
    - Brace for impact: moar fort!
    - Unearthly reactions - Tumbling through solid objects also a life saver
    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Teh_Troll forgot to mention 3 pally lives and human, that's why Maximize and no Cocoon I suppose.
    Hjealing is a religion.
    Last edited by Teh_Troll; 04-10-2014 at 09:21 PM.

  11. #11
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Cool, looks to be pretty tanky and "I won't die today" setup.
    Guess you need reflex twist without pally.
    New Shadow armour has that tumble through stuff clicky too.

    Pretty much this all the time, sometimes Grim Precision.
    Still older gear, don't have mats or items for big change on this one.
    19 dodge, csw hits for 250- 350. Far from awesome 500 on human.

    Sorry for little hijack doubledge
    I like pictures more than words.

  12. 04-10-2014, 10:44 PM

  13. #12
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    dun wurreh, i'm just shoving this build somewhere where it's impossible to either accidentally destroy or lose.

    maybe use it next life for A TR or something.

  14. #13
    Community Member apekzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    1 fighter over 1 barb, get a feat, can take haste and sprint boost at the same time, 3 more action boosts.

    The below feats I use on the one who was a Khopesh use but drops the feat at level 23 and the CiTW weapons are available.

    1: Dodge
    3: Cleave
    6: Great Cleave
    9: IC: Slashing (swap later for IC: ranged)
    12: Khopesh (swap later for Precision)
    15: Maximize
    18: Quicken

    Human: Power Attack
    Fighter: IC: Piercing

    21: Ovewhelming Crit
    24: Point blank shot
    26 (ED): Toughness
    27: Epic Toughness
    28 (ED): Perfect TWFing

    You're welcome.

    So basically drop khopesh and duel wield 2 X Celestia or 2 X Balizarde or each 1 on each hand is the way to go now for EE builds?

    You know you got a problem when you keep buying character slots every time it goes on sale!!

    In the end its just a game, if you rage quit because of a death then i suggest you seek professional help!!

  15. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    - Unearthly reactions - Tumbling through solid objects also a life saver
    Drop that and get a shadow armor (or robe clicky).
    Cocoon is just cheap healing which makes it so good. CSW, especailly maximized is really expensive, if it's your main hjealing tool.

    My ranger has 1k SP and with cocoon that lasted through an EE deathwyrm without having to use a single pot, completely self-healing. With CSW only that would probably have been 2-3 pots.
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  16. #15
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apekzz View Post
    So basically drop khopesh and duel wield 2 X Celestia or 2 X Balizarde or each 1 on each hand is the way to go now for EE builds?
    We're talking rangers here . . . YMMV for other classes.

    Khopesh is still fine, but I prefer CiTW weapons. The Hammers are also a very strong option.

    According to the number crunches at a +60 damage mod Khopeshes over take rapiers regarding Thunderforged weapons, but not by enough for me to bother switching back. I like having that extra feat.

    Again, a lot of it is personal play style. But sometimes you mammals need some guidance from higher life-forms.

  17. #16
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    My ranger has 1k SP and with cocoon that lasted through an EE deathwyrm without having to use a single pot, completely self-healing. With CSW only that would probably have been 2-3 pots.
    Like we don't all have thousands of pots laying around at this point? If I spend 2-3 pots on something I really don't care. I also rarely use them. I've found that in any situation where I would use cocoon an non-meta'd CSW and a Hjeal scroll gets the job done. I want the big cure to be a big Fing hjeal.

  18. #17
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    Default Question from a non-builder trying to make a build

    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    1 fighter over 1 barb, get a feat, can take haste and sprint boost at the same time, 3 more action boosts.

    The below feats I use on the one who was a Khopesh use but drops the feat at level 23 and the CiTW weapons are available.

    1: Dodge
    3: Cleave
    6: Great Cleave
    9: IC: Slashing (swap later for IC: ranged)
    12: Khopesh (swap later for Precision)
    15: Maximize
    18: Quicken

    Human: Power Attack
    Fighter: IC: Piercing

    21: Ovewhelming Crit
    24: Point blank shot
    26 (ED): Toughness
    27: Epic Toughness
    28 (ED): Perfect TWFing

    You're welcome.
    What's the benefit to 18 ranger 1 rogue /1 other over 12 ranger, 7 rogue, 1 other? You lose one favored enemy and 4th level spells (like CSW, but should be able to UMD heal scrolls, or FOM which you can get from other places) but with the extra rogue levels you get 3 more sneak die and evasion.
    Last edited by Wireless_Joe; 04-16-2014 at 03:15 PM.

  19. #18
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wireless_Joe View Post
    What's the benefit to 18 ranger 1 rogue /1 other over 12 ranger, 7 rogue, 1 other? You lose one favored enemy and 4th level spells (like CSW, but should be able to UMD heal scrolls, or FOM which you can get from other places) but with the extra rogue levels you get 3 more sneak die and evasion.
    CSW is a lot more powerful then you think it is.

  20. #19
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wireless_Joe View Post
    What's the benefit to 18 ranger 1 rogue /1 other over 12 ranger, 7 rogue, 1 other? You lose one favored enemy and 4th level spells (like CSW, but should be able to UMD heal scrolls, or FOM which you can get from other places) but with the extra rogue levels you get 3 more sneak die and evasion.
    450ish CSW . . . compared to a heal scroll? Do you play above casual?

    Sneak dice are cool though.

    You already have evasion.

  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    450ish CSW . . . compared to a heal scroll? Do you play above casual?

    Sneak dice are cool though.

    You already have evasion.
    Who needs spells? We've already seen Cetus solo EE WGU without CSW (and before he was a spikey toaster),

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