Is the Eidolon shadow summon from the new necklace supposed to be breaking fascinate on mobs that have taken no damage?
Is the Eidolon shadow summon from the new necklace supposed to be breaking fascinate on mobs that have taken no damage?
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Dont all summons attack mobs?
Only archon doesnt attack fascinated mobs.
It's a summon = it's a PITA.
I mean hirelings are bad but summons should just be banned from the game.
Yeah summons suck. I really wish that necklace just let you summon a shadow, instead of automatically spawning one when hit.
The worst part is, since the item itself is so good, it means just about everybody wants one and will have one equipped. I'm looking forward to all the complaints about extra lag and summons doing dumb stuff once more people have farmed HH for one and we get 6 shadows almost all the time in high level epics.
summons should have "controls" similar to pets have although less options.
was thinking in the direction of giving them a defend/attack/idle/move to toggle. Additionally it would be fun if every time you give a (new) command you need to make a concentration check to see if the summon will obey. with a small chance of it attacking its caster on a failed roll (i.e. success: summon will obey, fail: summon keeps doing what he is doing, Crit fail: summon will attack caster/party members) dc for control should be linked to summons caster level + constant (10?) + augment (ie aug summon gives +4, druid pl +2 ..enz.)
just my thoughts