Veggie bacon is just another Turbine ploy to sell more bag space. When I make veggie bacon I need oil, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper to taste. Regular bacon is just one ingredient needed to craft the perfect item to fill out my breakfast gear-set. Veggie bacon is at least five more ingredients so...... more bag space....more TP spent.
When I'm out of bacon, I eat vegetarians.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
I approve of Jerry's attempts to bring veggie bacon to DDO but I think we need to be more ambitious. For example, my wizard has always used the level 4 spell component, Hearts of Hens, with utmost reluctance. Even though these presumably come from free-range hens (I don't think factory farms have been invented on Eberron of Faerun yet), I still find this unacceptable. We must pressure The Twelve to work on developing alternative cruelty-free spell components. Snakeskin Gloves (level 9 component) is another issue. These could easily be substituted with skin from evil Yuan-Ti killed by adventurers. And don't get me started on druid spell components...
Then there is leather and hide armour, of course...