I have a question concerning the Ruby Eye augments which seem to be popping up here and there lately.
As we know, these rubies scale up to the ML of the item it is being slotted into. Now, I was wondering how it scales if you put in another augment that exceeds the item level.
For instance, an epic ML20 weapon with a colorless and a red augment slot receives a +8 stat augment (ML28) and a ruby. Will the ruby scale to L20 or to L28?
If the latter is true, I was also wondering whether the ruby adapts dynamically to a changing ML, or will it require resocketing in order to update its scaled level?
As example, assume that the aforementioned weapon is initially socketed with a +6 stat augment (ML20), so the ruby will be L20 regardless. If that stat augment is then removed and replaced with a +8 stat augment, will the ruby also need to be reseated to update it to L28, or will that happen automatically?