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Thread: Best Armor

  1. #1
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Default Best Armor

    What is the best armor to have for a rogue from level 15 up?

    I currently am wearing snakeskin vest?

    Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    For melee DPS builds, I'm partial to Black Dragonhide; Haste Guard, Armor-Piercing, and Relentless Fury are all useful bonuses. Another option might be Parasitic Breastplate, upgraded with either +10 Reflex or Displacement guard; you'll also want the Sustaining Symbiont to suppress Symbiotic Backlash. In the old days, Dragontouched Armor would've been the next step, but I don't think it's worth the bother of farming any more.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member orobold's Avatar
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    Another suggestion here. Ml8 Deathblock and 2 augments in 1 slot. Pretty win

    Yerro of Orien

  5. #5
    Community Member fmalfeas's Avatar
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    Some also run with heroic Whisperchain until they can get epic Whisperchain. Though it's a pain to get a suit.

  6. #6
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    I can't think of it, but there is a named robe that give +10% melee alacrity. It's what I use.

    Edited to add: You can't go wrong with any of the armors listed in this thread. They all do just fine. Heck, random loot gen armors are good enough.
    Last edited by LOOON375; 03-29-2014 at 06:31 PM.
    The Fockers of Argo
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  7. #7

    Default Make note of Max Dex/Max Dodge bonus

    What you need to be careful of is the max dex bonus (and hence max dodge bonus). Here are some examples listed with this in mind:

    Select Named Armors, farmable:
    Parasitic: Armor Bonus +19 (+3 from Rough Hide), Max Dex: 9 (min level 14)
    Breastplate of Vol: Armor Bonus +16, Max Dex: 7 (min level 14)
    Scales of Surety: Armor Bonus +13, Max Dex: 12 (min level 16) Emerald Claw Nugget end reward
    Rakshasa Hide: Armor Bonus +12 (+3 from Rough Hide), Max Dex: 13 (min level 16)
    Snakeskin Vest: Armor Bonus +11, Max Dex: 13 (min level 8)
    Dragonscale: Armor Bonus +11, Max Dex: 12 (min level 14)
    Crystal Cove T3 Duelist Leathers: Armor Bonus: +10, Max Dex: 15 (min level 16)
    Hero's Leathers: Armor Bonus +10, Max Dex: 11 (min level 16)

    Raid Loot:
    Breastplate of Destruction: Armor Bonus +19, Max Dex: 8 (min level 14), Hound of Xoriat
    Demon Scale Armor: Armor Bonus +13, Max Dex: 8 (min level 12), Zawabi's Revenge
    Marilith Chain: Armor Bonus +12, Max Dex: 9 (min level 12), Zawabi's Revenge
    Kundarak Delving Suit: Armor Bonus +12, Max Dex: 10 (min level 10), Plane of Night

    The max Dex/Dodge bonus can be increased with the mobility feat (you can craft it onto some items; it is easy to do and low-level, so you can also add it to Tier3 Cannith Challenge gear), some gear and certain enhancements. Therefore it depends on your build. Some rogues since u19 have dumped STR for DEX and hence have high Dex after their maxed out INT score so they should be especially careful in this regard.

    If you want high AC, the parasitic is hard to beat out. If you are looking for specific qualities, then the Black Dragonscale is probably the best for a rogue, since it offers armor piercing etc. It also requires a lot of dragon killing...The parasitic is easy to get and upgrade; you can then add a big boost to your evasion skills (if you choose that particular attribute). I had a Dex ranger build in my past life that used the parasitic with the Xoriat sap-effect--loved it.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  8. #8
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    I can't think of it, but there is a named robe that give +10% melee alacrity. It's what I use.

    Edited to add: You can't go wrong with any of the armors listed in this thread. They all do just fine. Heck, random loot gen armors are good enough.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    For melee DPS builds, I'm partial to Black Dragonhide; Haste Guard, Armor-Piercing, and Relentless Fury are all useful bonuses. Another option might be Parasitic Breastplate, upgraded with either +10 Reflex or Displacement guard; you'll also want the Sustaining Symbiont to suppress Symbiotic Backlash. In the old days, Dragontouched Armor would've been the next step, but I don't think it's worth the bother of farming any more.
    Personally, I think these three options are ideal. Parasitic and Sustaining Symbiont to maximize your evasion. Black Dragonhide to max your dps. My favorite though, is Dragontouched with heal amp 10/heal amp 20/(one of) dodge3-earthgrab-freezing ice-melodic-radiance guard to maximize your self healing. Heal scrolls are viable by the time you can use Dragontouched and the boost to heal amp is extremely useful. It does take a lot of time to farm out the right set though, but you can also continue wearing this into epics until you get your Flawless Black Dragonhide.

    Deathblock is not needed full time and can be swapped in as needed. Melee alacrity is easy to have someone craft for you if you can't craft it yourself. You won't find anywhere else what the three armors above offer.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  10. #10
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    Personally, I think these three options are ideal. Parasitic and Sustaining Symbiont to maximize your evasion. Black Dragonhide to max your dps. My favorite though, is Dragontouched with heal amp 10/heal amp 20/(one of) dodge3-earthgrab-freezing ice-melodic-radiance guard to maximize your self healing. Heal scrolls are viable by the time you can use Dragontouched and the boost to heal amp is extremely useful. It does take a lot of time to farm out the right set though, but you can also continue wearing this into epics until you get your Flawless Black Dragonhide.

    Deathblock is not needed full time and can be swapped in as needed. Melee alacrity is easy to have someone craft for you if you can't craft it yourself. You won't find anywhere else what the three armors above offer.
    I agree those are the 3 I use but if you are going for looks I really like the light white dragon armor
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    I really like crafted chainmail or leather with superior stability on it for heroics. You can wear leather of superior stability at level 8 (it is +6, reduced by 2 for masterful crafting). That gives you +6 resistance and +6 protection. Every 2 levels after that you can put another goodie on the armor, and a blue slot only counts as 2 goodies.

    Celestial chainmail at level 22 can be made into +4 deathblock superior stability plus a blue augment (which I run +2 good luck on now). That makes really good low epic armor.
    But you've got to be true neutral.

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