It certainly beats out the competition for the hearing aid.
It certainly beats out the competition for the hearing aid.
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
"Do beholders ever need glasses?"
They don't! They have plenty of eyes.
Khyber: Nimrud (main), Tadko (tank), Yayamee (monk), Healingonly (melee FvS), Almeya (trapper), Groggor (barb), Feneya (archer), Zornix (archer) and some others
Hardcore season 1: AveDarkLord (favor leaderboards)
Hardcore season 5: Dont Wanna Die (favor leaderboards)
They have very suave and debonair Monocles hanging from chains attached to their eyestalks.
Beholders only use contacts.
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)
They don't need glasses because they use contact lenses.
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
They don't use glasses because they drink from goblets.![]()
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
It depends on which eyes need correction, but the central eye and eye stalks could all have monocles! Just hope and pray they aren't wearing monocles with enchantments.
Last edited by Gywiden; 03-29-2014 at 08:35 PM.
Perhaps some beholders might find some type of magical and mystical goggles that will branch out to all of their eye stalks and to their main eye....but most likely a set of monacles...
Leader of the Crypt Crawlers on Thelanis:
Erdrique's Blog
Surely some of them must! But since they're all crazy and have no jobs, none of them have health insurance or ever go to the optometrist!
If a beholder needed glasses, I'd be happy to give it lasik...with my greataxe!
The answer is, the question is flawed.
Is a human(oid)'s eye flawed because of crummy vision in water? No, because the owner's eye is set up for optimal refraction of air, which has a different refractive index.
Beholders are denizens of the Plane of Xoriat: where the only Constant is unpredictable Change.
Given the need for that level of adaptability, any Beholder's eye that isn't self-correcting is probably replaced completely. What do you think all those Evil Eyes are for?
Most Beholders are actually in need of glasses. Unfortunately they're unable to get them, as whenever they go see an optician they end up disintegrating him.
Can't believe it took post 50 before somebody said 'Lasik'... although with beholders, they shop around for a quantity discount.
Beholders? Needing these pathetic little devices those puny mortals call "glasses"?! Preposterous.
Feeling that that you are losing that delicious human? or that fat dwarf? Is the cave too dark for your eyes mr.beholder? The shiny lotus from those pesky monks blinding you? You feel you arent the same as a couple thousand years ago?
No problem!
From the cannith engineers, i present to you the last model in beholders sightseeing:
Behold(laughs) THE BEHOEYE!
It comes with a 360 degrees sight, UV protection, laser tools and all that to bring your potential! Be the same as you were, and with extra features:
-Claws! Who knows when you will need to grab a human?
-Saws! something in your way? No problem!
-Death ray! Your eye is not enough? Get an extra!
All that and much more, for just $9999.95!
Call 9999-9999-DDO for it, and the first 100 beholders to call will get a big discount!
Darkzess - Sturdycaster (Retired Wiz) - Stormfists - Zeess (Art) - Zessx (FvS)Thelanis
~I'm Back!~
If they were to wear something to correct vision on their main eye, it would be called a 'Boggle.' However, beholders never had any trouble locating me through the walls in New Invasion so they seem to have other heightened senses than just normal sight so they may not need glasses.
They dont need glasses, they just fix it with magic (maybe they get an adventuring cleric to cast remove blindness in exchange for his life?)
Elemental Chaos