I can only imagine the possibilities if we could do this! So many new little nook and crannies to explore, in the new dungeons to come! or even new puzzles?
What do you guys think? any conflicts with current mechanics?...
I can only imagine the possibilities if we could do this! So many new little nook and crannies to explore, in the new dungeons to come! or even new puzzles?
What do you guys think? any conflicts with current mechanics?...
Last edited by Ryethielnas; 03-28-2014 at 12:56 PM.
||| Ghallanda - Ryethieldus |||
Probably no conflicts with mechanics as such, but I'm sure there could be a lot of glitches that come about or problems with accessing new areas that were never accessible before.
It would be a neat feature, but I don't really see much reason for it to be added.
No way in hell would it be worth it. It'd just be an annoying mechanic that gives us nothing.
Things like that should be part of a game at the start... or never.
uhm...nice idea, here are my 2 cents on it:
1, Quests not ready for it. Many quests would not support this, turbine created verry little Tomb raider-esque quests lately. Most quests are somewhat straight foreward run from a to b (with a few exeptions ofc) after the many complains about the pit being to hard. The evening star content is full with "flat" content with few alternative paths.
Trail by fury and The haunted halls are a few of the exeptions.
2, character models/mechanics are not ready.
3, The one with the highest impact, the ddo staf, They have their hands full untill the game goes into maintenance mode, i would not like to see game changing mechanics introduced just before the game's nightlight gets turned on by a undermaned staff that already is neckdeep in work.
I like the idea, i like the exploration part of the early quests a lot!
I don't thik it's feaseble though...
There exists something like this already in Schemes of the Enemy, you jump onto a fallen grate and climb up.
Good idea, would like to see more "Unconventional" ladder situations, which could be designed as rock formations, fallen grates, vines, etc. That would be a nice touch, and hope to see more of it in the future.
I will admit I really like the idea of having more mobility while climbing ledges. Hand over hand, ledge strafing, even jumping from ledge to ledge would be cool additions to the game. But sadly, this game's horrible lag makes it questionable at best, as this game is not designed for platforming. Plus, I can see ridiculous bugs coming out of this one, they can't even program something as simple as "Hello world!" without a <stringtableerror;tableDID in it. I can see too many times people missing a jump from a ledge to another even though they made it, or people shimmying from a ledge into mid-air, or running through walls from a ledge.
I'd love to see it, but with Turbine, im worried they'll screw it up.